The journey of film personalities becoming chief ministers began with MGR, followed by NTR & then Jayalalitha Amma. Even after 30 & 20 years after death MGR & NTR respectively are still remembered and considered as the messiah of poor in their respective states and beyond any doubt the most popular Chief ministers. Both were the undisputed top most  heroes and successful in transforming the same image into politics.  With their honesty and transparency in public life, coupled with genuine love for poor and needy, they could conceive and implement welfare programmes ensuring food security with dignity for poor and never compromised in their proper reach. These programs later got the attention of National government and being implemented at country level.

Jayalalitha never lagged behind MGR or NTR in popularity and she was most successful heroine in the country. She was regarded as most beautiful and talented  heroine and was acknowledged as highest remuneration received actress.  MGR saw potential and vested her with responsibility of representing AIADMK in Rajya Sabha and in party organisation front. Within short span of time she could establish herself as mass leader with good organisation skills. Despite huge plots to throw her out from party after sudden demise of MGR her mentor, she could sustain and within two years emerged as undisputed leader of AIADMK. In the year  1989 took up the responsibility of leader of opposition and throw challenges to M Karunanidhi, the most seasoned politician and  then Chief minister of TN. During the period 1991-  2016, AIADMK won four assembly elections under JJ leadership and sworn in as Chief Minister six  6 times.  In 34 years of her public life JJ transformed from a party functionary under the shadow of mentor MGR to revolutionary leader and then as undisputed mass leader “AMMA” .  Despite so many plots to destabilize her including jail life, she remained unfazed and emerged as iron lady.

It is a coincidence that all these three star turned chief ministers at the fag end of their lives had a woman other than the family members actively involved in their personal as well as public affairs and had controversial end. The public life of Jayalalitha is certainly not as clean as of NTR or MGR and had  a controversial political career with court cases, corruption charges, feudalistic image, exorbitant life style. When it comes to organisational ability and connectivity to masses, she score a shade better than MGR or NTR and found place in hearts of entire nation and tamilians in particular.

Though NTR and MGR are highly respected souls in public life, when it comes to their death and subsequent events happened are still seen as black marks for party as well as for their personal image.  In case of AMMA before public raise their eyebrows on her death and subsequent events, it is appropriate for GOI to order for highest level enquiry covering Shashikala & her members role in government and JJ private life, medical history and treatment given,  JJ family members, Appollo hospital, TN Govt functioning when JJ was in hospital, medical bulletins including death declaration, party and political management in last 10 days and subsequent dynamics and bring out a white paper in public interest.  

When it comes to the wealth of JJ , the Vedavalli Nivas at Poes Gardens shall be made as her memorial and ensure that wealth is put to public service , as she is already incornated as AMMA. It was reported that she disowned family members with suspicion of mismanagement of wealth. Also she sacked entire Shashikala family from party and poes garden and even took action on Shashikala. With these precedences it can be easily established that JJ would not have executed will in anyone favor.  If any wills , claims on property etc surface they can be viewed from this angle and protect the wealth in public interest.

JJ was a bright child with outstanding school records, could not continue education despite her desire to become an advocate. JJ spent her last 75 days in hospital and could not save her life despite best medical care. The wealth of JJ shall be put to use through establishing world class “ AMMA EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS” with special focus on girl children and poor , thereby realize her dreams.    

In political front AIADMK functionaries shall come out openly and expose culprits if any and she that able leadership is identified and strengthened. This will be the greatest tribute the party can give to MGR and AMMA.


B Guruva Reddy
grbonthu@gmail.com, 9866889246


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