Lessons to learn from stampede at Godavari Pushkar Ghat

Lessons to learn from stampede at Godavari Pushkar Ghat

It is very sad that when the entire state is in festive mood of "GODAVARI PUSKARAM" eve, this very unfortunate incident of stampede happened. No doubt, everyone has right to demand for enquiry, punishing the guilty, rise quality issues etc., and certainly Government is accountable and answerable. There is time to score political differences within the framework of democracy. Therefore considering the grave situation, all parties keep aside the political differences and extend support to Government in handling the situation and ensure that confidence of the people is restored, so that the sanctity attached to Pushkar and festivity which comes once in 12 years is fully enjoyed by everyone.

 It is known 12 years back itself, that Godavari Puskaram will come in 2015 with tentative dates also. Even for constructing a small house, one will take 2 to 3 years time frame to complete it to his satisfaction. For such a mega scale event, how much planning would have gone into it? Certainly the concern departments in Government are answerable.  Political parties were busy fighting on state separation issues.  How can constitutionally protected administrative system fail to plan and execute (Government can publish white paper on Godavari Pushkaram to clear doubts of political parties & public.) in right manner without giving scope for any of the mishaps and budget escalation calling them as emergency works. We can afford to have political vacuum, but not administrative vacuum.   
2016 is the year of Krishna Pushkaram.  It is just away by 12 to 13 months from now. Krishna is flowing in AP through Kurnool, Prakasam, Krishna and Guntur Dists. Like Rajahmundry for Godavari, Vijayawada with added attraction of Durga temple, Srisailam, Amaravathi & Nagarjuna sagar are other main attractions.

We hope the respective departments have already initiated the works. To bring in more transparency, the activities planned and progress shall be shared with public. As the thought process goes, the Endowments department should act as nodal agency & plan for executing the following:

  • Analyzing the previous Puskaram data like no. of visitors per Ghat, Any issues causing concern were identified for correction, projecting the pilgrims based on historical data, planning additional Ghats & removal of some Ghats.
  • Capturing the existing Ghats present condition, allot tenders for repair works.
  • Encourage each village on Krishna river bed to develop Pushkar Ghats on permanent basis & I am sure there are already some existing. If these can be attached to religious groups in villages, they will maintain them with local funding also. It should be explored.
  • Separate tenders for New Ghats & ensure that new Ghats and repaired Ghats works are executed with quality. The indicator is its usage in 2028 with minimum maintenance.
  • Promoting private participation in Ghats’s construction & management with branding & advts. Promotion rights.  Even after Puskaram how to generate activity on regular basis around these Ghats can be explored.
  • Ensure that the activity is evenly spread &  decongestion at focal points like Vijayawada, Amaravathi, and Srisailam etc.
  • Religious publicity to promote pindapradanam & puskara bath is more auspicious if the same is conducted at a nearest Ghat to your native place. 
  • Ensure VVIP/VIP Ghats spread across all district places and to the extent possible reduce burden on Vijayawada.
  • Ensure clean water supply, clean food at affordable prices and good public transport system. Exploitation by vendors to be checked.
  • Involve disaster management teams, NGOs like Ramakrishna mission, ISKON, Philanthropists etc in the planning process itself and make them integral part of the process. Some of these agencies are excellent at handling sanitation.
  The major concerns include:
·          Much hype is created in CRDA & there might be lot of Pushkaram activities surrounding this area. This shall be factored in & handled it with proper planning.
·          Liquor shops will try to reach maximum areas & people and these may result in antisocial activities. Ensure promoting religious activity through Gurus & they should even discourage people to have liquor during this period.  For example Muslims do not touch liquor during Ramadan month.   
·          Near Durga Temple, the NH is the weakest link and it will be a major bottle neck. If something can be done in next 10 months only, the widening work shall be taken up. Otherwise temporary measures are to be planned. This is a real critical area and needs attention of the officials.
·         Hyderabad-Guntur Highway needs to be strengthened in next 10 months and divert some traffic on that road to decongest Vijayawada.  Lorry traffic passing through Vijayawada shall be completely avoided & diverted.
·         Due to space constraints care must be taken in handling crowds at Durga temple which is another critical issue.

If the above are included in the planning and handled with commitment & sincerity, no emergency will crop up. The visionary image of our Hon'ble Chief Minister will remain intact and enhance further.

We are sure the Endowments department of GOAP has already initiated the works related to Krishna Puskaram.  People have doubts and raising their eyebrows particularly after witnessing the Godavari Pushkar works and how they have been handled in the last minute. It is certainly responsibility of Government to clear the doubts in the mind of people. The opposition has a positive role to play in terms of acting as watchdog to ensure quality works than making hue and cry after the process is completed. Prevention is always better than cure.




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