AP State Separation - Property Rights Issues

Andhra Pradesh  got  separated  into  two states on 2nd June, 2014. Even after one year of the separation,  the issues related to assets and its allocation etc is not clear and ambiguous. A sort of unpleasant  situation is being developed and things are not very clear for both states.  GOI who was instrumental in the separation of the state, has to get into the depth of the state reorganization bill and ensure that equal justice is done .

As it was clearly stated in reorganization bill, Hyderabad will be the integral part of Telangana & AP have to look for suitable place for capital and GOI will suitably support AP in capital building exercise. AP is given the opportunity of having their capital in Hyderabad for a period of 10 years & GHMC jurisdiction is declared as common capital area.

Andhra Pradesh  was established as a new state in the year 1956 by combining Hyderabad state with another part separated from Madras state. It's a very unique state in Indian union, having regional reservations in education, employment & even political commitments, other than mulki rules.

AP over 55 years of existence under visionary Chief Ministers from both regions progressed in all fronts with inclusive development and became a leading state in the country. Hyderabad being a metropolitan city with potential to grow to international standards like Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/Bangalore was given thrust by the rulers. The projects such as  Cyberabad, ISB, New International Airport, ORR etc coupled with industrial corridors established Hyderabad on international map and got recognition as IT capital of India along with Bangalore.  It is not an exaggeration to say that Telugus got their due recognition only after NTR becoming CM & till then Telugus are called Madrasi in Delhi. It's unfortunate  that the state conceived and developed after Independence was bifurcated and exposed to vulnerable situations for no fault of its people. I am sure Telugus being hard working & progressive thinking, will take these challenges as opportunities and both the states will compete with other on development and ensure that both will have their presence felt internationally for positive reasons.

Coming back to the issue of bifurcation, it is the responsibility of GOI as a responsible facilitator of the process to ensure that the man power, resources, intellectual property rights, copy rights, liabilities, commitments etc are allocated  on sound logic and rationale. As the bifurcation was done in hurry & jet speed, though the reorganization bill was in place, while putting into action so many issues are being cropped up. Probably had one corporation/ department was taken as case study & detailed exercise was done using simulation & participatory  techniques the detailed issues & alternatives would have come out. This was missing in the document.

The ownership on assets in Hyderabad is being a big issue and before it takes an ugly turn, needs to be addressed within a logical frame work.  Let us take the case of APSRTC, State owned public transport corporation as a case study. It has assets all over the state like regional centres in Warangal, Karimnagar, Vijayawada, Tirupathi etc and head quarters at Hyderabad.

RTC created infrastructure at various places to cater to the needs of people including the bus stands etc in Hyderabad.  Huge infrastructure/Corporate office  is created to facilitate the requirements of corporation to handle state level operations which include Finance, Management, corporate governance, policy, trainings etc. Logically speaking except the HQ infrastructure, other assets can be transferred to the respective states based on geographical locations. Head office infrastructure, intellectual property rights etc which are indivisible,  as they are in  Hyderabad has to be given to Telangana, after mutually accepted valuation and giving credit to AP on the ratio already decided based on population index. The same logic shall be applied to all corporations/ public sector enterprises of similar nature.

In case of Singareni Collieries, the entire mines are located in Telangana and they are the properties  of Telangana. But to harvest coal from mines the combined state invested huge funds and created the corporation and to that extent both states have rights over corporation and 100% rights to Telangana on mines. Now both can own the corporation jointly and corporation can pay royalty to Telangana. Otherwise they can go for valuation & AP shall be compensated. Similar logic shall be extended to the corporations of similar nature.

Physical assets we can quantify, qualify & have valuations. Can we play with our pool of talent and institutions of higher learning? Let us have big heart and decide on such institutions in the larger interest of society and Telugus in particular.

 Recent provocations from both sides on issues related to secretariat (GHMC demanding property tax from AP), MCRHRD and about 140 schedule institutions located in Hyderabad are to be addressed amicably. Logic is same, only wisdom has to prevail. Both sides has to show genuine love and affection towards each other. Never forget the fact that we are brothers and one family, divided as a state but united as Telugus.

Requesting GOI to play unbiased big brother role and see that it is win-win situation for both states. Please honor the commitments made in August house-  Parliament , related to AP bifurcation and ensure that people's confidence on democracy is kept very high.

B G R    

grbonthu@gmail.com & 9866889246


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