Please read the article ( shared ink)   and internalize for yourself, how your own family, brothers, sisters, uncles from our farming community is suffering due to inconsistent policies, indiscriminate import of Agri produce etc resulting into huge filing of stocks at farmers level, agencies level , resulting into market glut and no signs of any recovery in near future. What a pathetic situation.   Forget for a while that you are a software engineer, high profile finance consultant etc, walk into the chapels of a farmer and understand how he is being victimized due to our Government’s urban middle class influenced policies.

Farmer’s issues:

In last two years I had written many blogs, reached policy makers including PMO, NITI Aayog, and ministers and presented the case with full database.  Everyone express their concerns and sympathies with farmers, but act at their own pace.  Farmers don’t need anyone’s sympathies; they need delivery of what was fair and due to them, nothing more, nothing less.  There is no proper basis for MSP procurement through NAFED or other agencies. Muscle power of states prevails over logic in getting the procurement quotas allotted for respective states.

The other day farmer died due to sun stroke while waiting for his turn to register his grain which was brought on hired tractor load at a mandi in MP. There are farmers waiting for over a month to get slips and their turn to sell the produce. For many the wait is forever as some of the quotas gets over through backdoor methods and genuine poor farmers left with empty promises. Where is it going wrong? Are we not in a position to create infrastructure to ensure that farmers waiting period is reduced? Can’t the mandis work during early mornings, late evenings or night shifts to avoid operations in soaring sun during summer months? These are the micro level failures and unfortunately even the media is not coming forward and highlight these failures, as farmer is everyone’s last priority.     

Pulses storey:

When pulses were in short supply (mostly artificial situations created by trade for their short term gains) what is need for going to Mozambique and enter into long term agreements for supply of pluses to India. Pulses crop cycle is about 5 months and any projected short supplies or production can be adjusted by taking up cultivation within the country.

In fact the first crop estimate, second crop estimate etc are meant for taking such well informed decisions, not for just keeping as records.  Unfortunately lack of coordination between Food, Agriculture and Commerce ministries, data tampering to suite certain trade houses involved in imports etc are the reasons for present fate of the farmers and they need to be addressed effectively.

Global exploitation of farmers:

Someone might argue that the imported pulses from Mozambique are cheaper than Indian production. I am not sure how cheap they are, as the data related to imports and whole supply chain costs are not shared in public domains. Even if they are cheap, are we not exploiting citizens of another nation which is under severe poverty when compare to India. The larger farmers from India, other countries take huge chunks of land in Africa and grow crops by exploiting the locals there by paying lowest possible wages. It is not wrong on our part to exploit another starvation nation to please our urban middle class and at the same time breaking the back of our farmers?  


B Guruva Reddy-9866889246


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