Potti Dibba Lanka:

Pottidibba Lanka is a small lush green island in Krishna River about 25 Kms downstream of Vijayawada, falls in Totlavalluru mandal of Krishna Dist, AP. The island, which is about 2500 acres fifty years ago, is now reduced to little over 1500 acres and the balance merged in river due to erosion during floods. The soils are very fertile with silt content coupled with abundant water resources and known for cultivation of turmeric, banana, sugarcane, maize, yam, vegetables and area is lush green even in peak summer months.  Though the island falls in Krishna dist, most of the land is owned by farmers from Kollipara village in Guntur Dist, which is about 3 kms from island. I too from Kollipara, but live in Hyderabad and technically a farmer from this picturesque island. This island lands are covered in three villages – Totlavalluru, Chagantipadu & Devarpalli. In Pottidibba Lanka, there is a habitation that predominantly consists of fishermen of Devarpalli with about 100 households with primary school and other facilities.

The Sand Mining Issue:

One fine evening, I received a call from a farmer from our village stating that a syndicate started sand mining in private patta land merged with river, but abutting the cropped lands. He expressed that it will cause lot of damage to the existing cropped lands and the habitation. If any flooding happens, the river course will take this direction and cause erosion to cropped lands and the habitation. He requested me to do something to stop it and help the farmers. Though I responded positively, I did not bother to pursue it further due to my preoccupation, despite multiple reminders from them.

After about a week, we happened to be in the village and a group of farmers came to see me and explained that the groundwork for sand mining is completed by the syndicate and is ready to start the operations any time.  As I responded to their farm related issues like electric transformers, roads and few other issues earlier and was successful in resolving them, farmers developed confidence on my ability to resolve the issues.

My wife who overheard the discussion came to me and insisted that I must take up the issue and help the farmers. She further added that “you claim to know lot of people at senior levels in administration and if you cannot resolve people’s problems, what is the use of your contacts? This acted as a catalyst and immediately my Apple gadget ( i phone) was put into action. Through a senior bureaucrat, I could get in touch with Joint Collector, Krishna, who is the concerned person for revenue matters. 
 Sand Mining in Patta Lands: 

Normally sand is mining is done from rivers, small streams etc by assessing the river course, contours, other parameters. Based on the analysis of the extent, exact location, depth allowed for mining, quantities etc will be decided. Unfortunately, all these procedures are misused & abused to siphon the natural resources by influential crooks. This is happening across the nation and it is one of the major reasons for environmental degradation and fast depleting ground water resources. 

In irrigation department, there exists an exclusive river conservation department headed by qualified engineers. Unfortunately, they do everything including laying roads for illegal sand mining except protecting the river.

As the hunger for sand increased further, the political system, innovated new concept called sand casting in patta lands. On paper, it is very useful to farmers, as the scheme is meant for decasting the sand layers formed on cultivable land due to hail storms or floods and make them cultivable, once sand layer is removed. 
The revenue department in coordination with Agriculture & Mining departments is expected to conduct proceedings involving the land owner who applied for permission, surrounding farmers, survey of the area, conducting grama sabha, field inspections and issue orders clearly mentioning the area for decasting, depth, cu.meters of sand etc to be removed. In reality, the GO is so abused or misused, leaving the site in which permission is given, sand is mined (much more quantity than permitted quantity) from heart of the river using dozers, tippers and most of the political-administrative setup is hand in glove in these operations. I am sure, it is the case with every state and many such issues are being reported in media from everywhere.    
What Exactly Happened in This Village?

In Krishna basin, we will come across many sand mining sites particularly in the radius of 50 kms upstream or downstream of Vijayawada.  This site is about 30 Kms from Vijayawada and strategically located for easy transport with proximity to markets. The sand syndicate saw opportunity here and through local leaders approached farmers whose lands were submerged few years back and now part of the river. Though they are part of the river, for some obvious reasons they are treated as patta lands and land records are maintained as private patta. Six farmers owning about 20 acres were owed into this operation, with a promise of 1 Lakh / acre and token amount was paid. The application for permission is made on farmers names, as the GO clearly stated that the permission will be given to farmer who owns the land and farmer is liable for civil or criminal proceeding arise out of these operations and unfortunately farmers are not aware of it. Recently, I met a farmer who is victim of such syndicate and has paid about 6 lakhs to the Government to come out of a case booked for mining in river leaving the site for which the permission was granted. 

The syndicate invested few lakhs to get permissions to lay roads for sand transport, purchased/ leased about 2 acres private land to lay roads and made the site ready for sand casting operations. Few top names in ruling party are used to shatter the confidence of farmers and locals and unfortunately local administration including police are very much part of the syndicate.  The local youth from the habitation which will be badly affected if the sand mining is done and are influenced by liquor, currency, employment and turned them against the farmers.   

The sand syndicate which is totally external to the village, with their money, muscle and political power brought division among the local village systems and a sort of unpleasant rift situation is created. This is more dangerous to the ecosystem than even the sand mining.

What We Did?

Approached Mandal revenue officer (MRO) through Joint collector and apprised him of the situation and ground realities.  Initially, he was reluctant to listen and brushed aside stating that everything is done as for rules and no one can stop mining. He speeded up the process and encouraged the syndicate to start mining and even allowed 24x7 operations. I am successful in building pressure on him through media and using good offices of JC and MRO was directed to conduct field inspection in the presence of local farmers.

MRO avoided coming to field and sent VRO & Mandal surveyor. Many farmers gathered and explained them the issue and highlighted that the survey was not conducted, NOCs from neighbouring farmers were not obtained and even proper grama sabha was not conducted. Despite the objections, MRO continued to support the syndicate and lowed mining to continue.

In order to strengthen the farmers’ unity, more and more of them were gathered, explained the issue, how it is going effect the cultivable lands and habitation. Even the fishermen community living in the habitation were taken into confidence. They understood the issue, but expressed their inability to fight the shark.     

The local self help groups, who are supposed to have been trained, capacities built to deal with local issues through collective action were contacted to take lead and resolve the issue. They are not even willing to listen to the issue, forget about owning it. This is a big shock to me, as I believe till date that AP VELUGU did wonders in capacity building of poor and prepared them to face challenges.

MRO Field Visit:

After putting pressure through JC, MRO along with VRO and surveyor came for field inspection.  The syndicate, the farmers who applied for sand casting permission, a few village youth under influence of the syndicate were informed in advance and the affected farmers were given message about the inspection in last minute. I quickly mobilized farmers and explained how to handle the issue in systematic manner.

My presence at site was big shock to MRO and he was trying to avoid me by saying that only the relevant parties are required to present. I over raided him by stating that, it’s our village issue and both parties’ interest is important to me.

When MRO was trying to bash up the issue and projecting everything was done as per procedure, I made farmers to intervene and question him on point to point basis and totally cornered him. When farmers asked MRO & staff to show the proofs of notices served to them, survey proceedings, Grama sabha proceedings etc, they were tight lipped. 
MRO was further taken for shock when farmers explained about mining GO contents and how it is wrongly interpreted in this case. When the syndicate, village youth were trying to create a tense situation and divert the attention, the farmers handled it in a cool and a firm manner and avoided unpleasant environment.

MRO even tried to provoke farmers by raising his voice, shouting at them saying that they are jealous of other farmers making money by selling sand; if some money is shared with them they will shut their mouths etc, farmers maintained calmness and requested him to have empathy for farmers. He was requested to visit adjacent fields, where maize is under cultivation on similar lands submerged in Krishna few years back and now brought back into cultivation after silt layers formation.  It was also explained that the farmers who have given their land for sand mining will not get anything and by the time they realize the mistake, they will end up with court cases for possible misdeeds of syndicates. Few farmers who gave lands for mining understood and started supporting the real farmers and even told that they want to give back the advances taken.

Finally to avoid further conflict, both side farmers agreed for sample taking in presence of them by mining department and if soil is there after 2 mts digging at site where permission was granted, the mining shall continue. Farmers further stated that there is soil below 2 mts depth; they are willing to give their lands free of cost for mining. MRO readily accepted for the same. After leaving the site started avoiding discussions on the same.  

Online Complaint:

Online complaint was registered on AP Government “ KAIZALA APP” and online caller came on board, eaten my brain and finally told that the issue will be resolved in six months time. When we tried explaining the nature of issue and after six months nothing will be there to resolve, there is no answer. I feel these online complaint systems, though started with good intentions are not effective in the ground due to failure in micro level implementation and lack of responsiveness management. Media is taken into confidence on daily basis to keep the issue alive and fresh in everyone’s memory.  

JC, who gave lot of hopes about resolving the issue stopped lifting calls, stopped responding to messages. Our continuous follow up did not yield results and suddenly we started feeling of  losing the battle. Friends, who are familiar with the issue, as it was shared on regular basis in social media, encouraged us to escalate the issue further and extended their moral support. Apprised about the situation to a power centre in GOAP, convinced them by presenting the facts and how the issue is bringing bad name to Government and finally took them into confidence. We got hold of Krishna District collector cell number and made continuous efforts to reach him over phone. Finally I got him on line and explained the issue. On his request I sent the write up on the issue through WhatsApp within few minutes, as I have the habit of documenting the developments on daily basis.   

District Collector Intervention:

Collector got full update of facts through my whatsapp message and he was impressed with the way facts were presented. He shared the contacts of his PA and directed us to make online complaint at collector office and meet him with the copy of the same. The farmers were organized to reach Machilipatnam, Dist HQ, next day and ensured that they met collector and explained the field realities. Collector directed them to meet MRO, serve the copy of complaint with demand for field inspection.

MRO avoided meeting farmers for couple of days and he was trying his level best to help the syndicate and even suggested them to meet farmers and settle the issue. Pressure was built on him with my continuous updates to Collector. 

I could convince collector about the ill intentions of MRO/JC and what damage can happen if the issue is delayed further.  On my request, he entrusted the task of monitoring this sand casting issue of Pottidibba lanka to Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO), Vijayawada, bypassing the Joint Collector.
Immediately I got in touch with RDO, apprised him of the issue through Whatsapp sharing and took him into confidence.

RDO in Action:

After getting to know the issue in detail, RDO requested us to meet MRO at any cost and serve the complaint generated through “MEESEVA”, so that it will be on record to proceed further.  

In order to gauge the mood of farmers, MRO office sent VRO, surveyor and few staff for field inspections. As they smelled the issue is taking serious turns, the difference of opinions cropped up. The blame game among themselves, brought out a fact that the survey to fix boundary of mining site is done without the neighbouring farmers consent and it was recorded as consent was taken. Farmers took them for a task for not following the procedures. They left the site stating that the report will be given to MRO. The same was promptly brought to the notice of Collector, RDO & ensured that it is covered in media.

Next day a group of farmers reached MRO office at Thotlavalluru by 9.30 AM and waited for his arrival. Farmers refused to serve the compliant to staff who were supposed to take it from them on advice of MRO. As a social inclusion strategy suggested by me, farmers explained the sand mining problem, how they are collectively fighting the issue with MRO office staff and visitors.  They also exposed misdeeds of VRO, Surveyor in front of others and made them a laughing stock.

After sensing further damage, MRO finally met farmers and accepted the complaint and gave them proper acknowledgement. Initially, he tried to show upper hand by stating that the  permission was recommended based on the GO provisions and its granted on merits.

When farmers questioned him by getting into the insights of GO and how they were used to favour vested interests, he took soft approach and tried to pacify them. Finally mentioned that he will report the problem to mining department and at the same time, advised farmers to have soft corner for syndicate as they invested huge sum and struggled for three years to get the permission.

On advice of RDO, I approached district collector explained him of MRO actions and requested him to resolve the issue on urgent basis. He was kind enough to respond quickly and asked me to meet him next day (Sunday) morning at Vijayawada. After apprising him about my inability to meet him in person as I stay in Hyderabad, collector's camp clerk contacted me, took the contact details of farmers. He promptly got in touch with farmers and informed them that Revenue divisional officer (RDO) will contact farmers and go for field inspection on Sunday and apprise Collector of the ground situation.

Despite bad weather, RDO came for a surprise field visit, got to know the situation and based on our request issued an order “MINING SUSPENDED TILL FURTHER ORDERS”   from District Collector and it is the first major breakthrough in fight for justice and we celebrated the occasion in our farm house. 

Syndicate Operations:

Sensing the success of farmers’ collective actions, syndicate felt the heat and based on advice from their well wishers in Government, approached farmers through local leaders and requested them to withdraw complaints and allow them to mine up to 2 mts and promised that they will not proceed with getting permission for extra land. The opinion makers among the farmers were offered tempting partnership offers.

Farmers remained united and very politely refused their offers and in fact shown sympathy towards them for losing their funds in the process. Farmers offered them full support if they get permission to mine in Government lands in Krishna River.

Three vertical layers of the syndicate touched upon farmers through various sources and farmers did not give any room for them to break the alliance and continue their operations.

AD Mines, AD Agriculture & MRO Field Inspections:

As it was an important field visit, I decided to be present and reached Kollipara early morning and decided to walk through the complete site along with few farmers. It was about 5 to 6 kms walk mostly in the sand and bushes, but it’s worth the salt. During the walk, the strategy for the inspection was decided and guided farmers on proceedings and each one was entrusted with a role to perform. The field observations include continued mining despite temporary suspension orders, the efforts of local revenue authorities to help the syndicate through managing influential farmers.

The permission to mine is given against the spirit of the GO by floating all the norms. This private patta on which permission was applied is about 20 acres and the land was eroded during floods and merged with Krishna River about 25 years back. Subsequently the area started having silt formation and at present about 2 to 4 feet silt is formed and few farmers are cultivating maize on these lands. The virgin lanka lands soil depth of about 10 feet and hence the difference is 6 feet and if God willing these may become main land after another 20 years with potential to grow full range of crops.

AD Mines & MRO were present in site. MRO informed farmers that the file was circulated for mining in 19 acres and for 3.5 acres permission was granted. The farmers abutting the boundaries informed that their consent was not taken before granting permission and demanded MRO to prove that they gave consent as reported in file. MRO tried to prevail on farmers by stating that the permission was granted by collector to help farmers and creating hurdles is not good.

Farmers insisted for taking samples and prove that there is virgin soil suitable for cultivation below 2 meters of sand layer. MRO succeeded in diverting the issue stating the farmer who agreed for sampling are not available at site and avoided taking the samples. MRO also informed that field samples will not be taken today as AD Agriculture is not present.

The high handed behaviour of revenue continued and tried their level best to see that farmers’ morale is low.  Local youth under the influence of liquor were allowed to be present and disturb the proceedings. Farmers were ordered to be present the next day sharp by 10 AM at MRO office with necessary papers related to the objections raised against mining, otherwise the report will be submitted in favour of mining. He insisted that even the farmers who are sick and not in position to walk also should be present. On repeated requests, finally MRO accepted to take written complaint submitted through authorised representative.

Farmers thanked MRO for temporary suspension of mining and requested him to keep it in force till collector takes final decision. MRO responded negatively and was trying to cover it up by stating that there was no ban and the mining will continue. When it was brought to his notice that they got message from RDO, he had no option than accepting the same and instructing his staff to ensure ban is imposed till further orders.  MRO tried his level best to influence the farmers and in presence of us, made calls to influential farmers and leaders with tempting offers.

End of the day, meeting was conducted with few farmers advising them with next steps which include getting stay order from court, keep an eye on MRO office operations, not to allow mining at any cost till collector orders, seeking media attention and ensured that their confidence levels are kept high.

MRO Efforts to Allow Mining:

Next day morning by 9.30 AM farmers reached MRO office with their written objections about fake survey, fake consent etc and requesting him for resurvey. As like earlier occasions, he did not turn up and after 3 hours waiting, farmers were asked to submit their representations in office.  Based on my advice, farmers reached MRO at another village meeting and submitted their representations and questioned him in front of other villagers, how he recommended for permission of sand mining without neighbouring farmers consent and how survey was conducted without notices to the farmers
Collector & RDO were apprised of the facts through WhatsApp to ensure pressure built on MRO to proceed with field actions.  While accepting for resurvey, he tried to impress upon farmers stating that for 3 1/2 acres for which permission was already granted cannot have any objections as the area is surrounded by same farmer on all sides who gave land for mining. Farmers objected for the same and requested MRO to do justice as per the rules. MRO understood the mood of farmers and their determination to go to any extent, MRO fixed the dates for resurvey and proper proceedings were issued.

Collector Orders – Mining Suspended at Pottidibba Lanka:

Based on my advice, farmers gave written request for sample taking and analysis to RDO with copy to MRO. I spoke with RDO and made him understand the importance of field analysis to close the issue once for all. I also apprised him that any delay will increase political pressure and things may go out of our control. RDO responded positively and field visit was scheduled for next day itself.   

Despite bad weather farmers reached the mining site by 10 AM and waited till 2 PM. No one came to site or there is no communication from MRO about the program. When I contacted him, we were informed that the program is rescheduled to day after tomorrow due to bad weather. The way program was postponed and high handed behaviour of revenue staff at field level were brought to the notice of Collector and he promised to do needful. We ensured media coverage of farmers’ collective action and how they were able to put pressure on system to deliver them the justice.

Suspecting something fishy, I decided to leave for Vijayawada and quickly on road for five hours journey. After getting cold responses from MRO, I thought it’s better to approach Collector and requested him for an appointment by sending WhatsApp message. 

I received a pleasant message stating that the “SAND MINING AT DEVARAPALLI VILLAGE, POTTI DIBBA LANKA ON 3.5 ACRES LAND IS CANCELLED BASED ON REPORT FROM MRO STATING THAT THE ADJOINING FARMERS OBJECTED AND AD, MINES GAVE NEGATIVE REPORT ON THE SITE. HENCE THE SCHEDULED RESURVEY IS ALSO NOT REQUIRED”. He further mentioned that if I am coming to Vijayawada for this purpose, I can go back peacefully.  I thanked him over phone and scheduled a visit to thank him in person.

What Happened in Backdrop?

MRO was worried about resurvey and getting farmers consent etc and thought influencing them with political pressure, money and other kicks is a better option. They tried all the tricks by using syndicate and their contacts, but met with no success and there was tremendous pressure on me too. MRO approached AD Mines, AD Agriculture through his superior officer and they were asked to give favourable report for continuation of mining. They promptly contacted RDO, who is in touch with farmers on behalf of Collector and informed the developments. RDO advised them to meet Collector along with him and apprise Collector with latest developments.

Both of them explained to Collector, why the field trips were postponed, what type pressures they got for giving favourable reports and what implications it will have on system. We were given to understand that AD, Mines informed Collector that if samples are taken in field in front of farmers under video recording and do any manipulations with report, the Government image will be put to stake. It seems, he further informed that by digging 2 mts depth in river only sand will come and there is no question of resurfacing of virgin soil as expected by MRO and mentioned in earlier orders.    
After discussing with RDO, Collector issued cancellation orders immediately on Sunday itself, may be expecting some pressures on next working day.  

Next day in AP Secretariat:

I was told there was tremendous from few MLAs, they tried to meet senior bureaucrat in CM office and he politely avoided meeting them and extending further discussion on the subject. The local MLA & few others met  another senior bureaucrat and shouted in high pitch stating that who is this BGR, how can he get sand mining cancelled, on what basis he did it, who is behind him, how did collector listen to him etc. It seems he gave them patient hearing and saw them off with a smile.

To my surprise I met RDO, Vijayawada whom I do not know in person, when I was sitting with a senior bureaucrat in Secretariat and thanked for all the help and support he extended.
To our luck, the same day evening CM called for a press conference, in which he spoke at length about Government policy on sand mining and how it is being misused by few individuals and Government becoming the target. He directed the administration, political functionaries to work in close coordination to ensure transparent free sand policy of state is in place. CM further stated that the illegal sand mining cases will be dealt with severe punishment and instructed officers to book PD act cases against such elements going against the law.    
Desperate Attempts........

Despite the fact that the Government is transparent at top & giving clear directions to follow in the field; still problems do exist in micro level. Even after cancellation orders of sand mining at Pottidibba Lanka came into force, JC, Krishna made last attempts to revoke the orders.

The next day, to be precise on 23.08.2017, Joint collector with MRO, few other revenue staff, AD, Mines; AD, Agriculture came for mining site visit. The sand syndicate was informed well in advance and there was no communication to farmers. I came to know about the visit just ½ an hour in advance and got to know about the intentions of the visit through informal sources. I tried contacting JC several times and the calls went unanswered.

Got in touch with farmers and explained them,  how to conduct themselves with JC & other officers and prepared them with possible questions and how to answer them. Their plan of provoking farmers and make them to use abusive language to divert the issue and even book the cases against them under SC,ST atrocities and others acts is discussed  and asked them to maintain calmness ,reply any questions  with a smile even if someone abuse or provoke them.  

As expected, MRO started exhibiting high handed behaviour and started targeting the farmers individually and tried to create fear in them with possible targeting in future. I was guiding them over phone with appropriate strategy. They tried to provoke farmers by stating that some of them of jealous of other farmers who are making money through sand mining and if the offer is given to others they will jump on it.

Farmers answered them aptly by stating that farmers believe in hard work and make livelihood by cultivating lands not through shortcut methods. They further explained that the lands adjacent to mining site are brought back to cultivation last year, after observing silt layer formation and if we develop the land and continue to cultivate, the soil erosion will be arrested and quality of land will improve.

The lands given for sand mining can be cultivated with few fodder crops to begin with, as the silt formation is observed. Unfortunately, some of our farmer friends had fallen into the trap and gave their lands for mining to sand syndicate for a meagre amount of 1 to 1.5 lakhs/acre. The syndicate will make crores at the cost of farmers and any future risks will be to farmers accounts, as the mining and transport will be done on farmers account officially.  The farmers who gave land for mining heard these and started questioning the syndicate and MRO about the implications and questioned them why all these were not told to them before hand.

Sensing that the issue is taking different turn, JC took control of the situation, called few farmers by name and informed them that no one can stop the mining in the land orders were already given as the order issued is perfect. He instructed farmers not to create trouble for the other farmers and he has to take action if his instructions are not followed. The revenue officers tried to impress upon the syndicate through their actions and created a feeling that the mining orders will be revoked.

Farmers very politely explained that they are fully aware of the points in sand casting  GO, how the rules are floated and expressed their gratitude to Collector, JC, RDO, MRO for realizing the mistakes happened and issuing cancellation orders. They firmly told that if by any chance the orders are cancelled they will approach court of law, higher authorities in Government including bureaucrats and Hon’ble Chief Minister and protect their interests. They thanked the officers for coming to field to understand their problems and requested them to submit unbiased factual report to Collector and again requested them to take samples in front of them if necessary.   

On the way back, JC called me over phone and requested for convincing farmers to give NOC for 3.5 acres land for which permission was granted and cancelled by collector. He expressed that the syndicate spent lot of money for getting permission and for infrastructure and it will be a great loss to them.  My answer was a firm no and explained further that the case is very genuine and Collector issued cancellation orders purely based on merit of the case. I requested him to leave the issue and gain farmers confidence and expressed that in case of any negative turn we will fight it out.

He provoked me by stating what I knew about Government rules and procedures. I politely replied him stating that as an IAS officer, he must have been trained well in revenue matters and may know revenue laws much better than me. But when it comes to this particular issue of sand mining, I am thorough with all the GOs, amendments, court judgements, procedures, appeals etc., as I was given opportunity by good officers like you to read and question them on the same issues with merit of the case basis. I thanked him for the call and ended the conversation by requesting him again to support the genuine cause of farmers and save their lands from erosion during floods.    

It was given to understand that there was pressure on AD, Mines and AD, Agriculture to submit report favouring to revoke the cancellation orders and they refused to do so. Later they spoke to me and thanked me for empowering them. It seems they overheard my phone conversation and expressed that they cannot submit favourable report.
Finishing Touch:

Next couple of days, I further worked on the issue, took it as an opportunity to call leaders, bureaucrats, Senior officers, Media, NGOs, freelance reporters etc , thanked them for their support for this august cause of helping farmers and tried to seek their attention on further developments on the issue, even after cancellation of orders issued by Collector. Detailed media coverage is ensured for the issue, so that the concerned officers think twice before opening up the issue again.

Farmers from Potti Dibba Lanka reached nearby villages, explained them about the issue and how they handled it collectively. The youth from habitation next to mining site who were under influence syndicate were taken into confidence to ensure friendly environment in the area.   

Because of these comprehensive strategies implemented, despite their best efforts the syndicate did not meet with success and withdrew their machinery from site and ensured permanent relief to farmers. 


I kept low profile throughout the issue and requested media, not to highlight me or mention about me and repeatedly requested them to have focus on the issue and farmers collective action. This strategy worked out very well and syndicate did not smell much of what was happening till the cancellation orders were issued.  

There was absolutely no expenditure from my side or farmer’s side involved in this whole operation, except few thousands for food and diesel expenses.

Social media particularly WhatsApp & Facebook were effectively used to reach out to like minded people, officers etc on daily basis without time delays and kept them updated.

My good will in media circles, Government, Bureaucrats etc was appropriately used and all of them gave excellent support, contributed for the success. 

Once issue is taken up, we need to understand it thoroughly, understand the potential of the opponents, plan ahead with next steps, develop ability to read between lines and develop confidence that no one knows the issue better than you. If you have confidence, success is yours.  

Many of us might be coming across such issues in our every walk of life. Instead of ignoring them or brushing aside by thinking that I am too small to handle these or I have no time, make an attempt. The first step is very important. Once someone initiates by putting first step, many will join to continue the journey and make the effort a success.

Devarapalli illegal sand mining is not an isolated case and in Krishna delta itself there are many sites in operation and few files are under consideration for mining orders.  Farmers shall take Devarapalli success story as a case study and learn how farmers’ collectives can resolve their problems and fight even big sharks if farmer’s issues are genuine.  In fact sand mining is a national issue and friends shall share the success stories across the nation and motivate people.

I request National Rural Livelihood missions (NRLM), NGOs, Funding agencies, various other social empowerment departments to empower themselves first so that they will create soldiers to fight enemies who are in their next door and exploiting them. The prevailing system of training, capacity shall be put to critical review to ensure the present system of producing lakhs of women self help groups who are sub serving the local exploitative syndicates and in clutches of political mobilization. Already thousands of crores World Bank loans accumulated on this account and beautiful reports were submitted and unfortunately the field realities are different and alarming.   


B Guruva Reddy- 9866889246


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