Profile of Krishna Islands:

These lanka lands we are referring are about 25 Kms downstream of Vijayawada. If we cross the river through these Lanka lands, the distance between Kollipara, Guntur Dist & Chagantipadu, Totlavalluru Mandal, Krishna Dist is just 6 Kms.  Otherwise the drive distance is over 70 Kms, by crossing river at Vijayawada town. This river cross, reduces the travel distance between two trading towns Tenali, Guntur Dist & Vyyurru, Krishna dist by 60 Kms.

There are three islands in between the river between these two villages. Kollipara main land, followed by 2 Kms Width River, Pottidibba Lanka, again river, Pamula lanka, again river, Rajaiah gadda , river and main lands of Chagantipadu. There is about 2000 acres of three cropped cultivable land in these three Lankas.

The river crossing is so convenient for transportation of crops between two Dists and helping farmers of these Lankas and many others. KCP Sugars, Vyyurru cane catchment area is also falls in these Lankas and they too contribute for temporary roads in river for easy and cost effective transportation of cane.

Temporary Road Network in River Krishna:

In last 15 years, there is hardly any flooding in Krishna and most of the times the river is dry except in rainy season. During rainy season, the mode of transport is boating and in other season by river walk or tractors.  Farmers of these areas came with an innovative idea of forming temporary road in the river by using sand, dry sugarcane leaves and red morrum. Where ever water flow is there cement pipes are laid and river course is maintained as it is.

Whenever excess water is released from Prakasam barrage to Bay of Bengal (sea), this road gets washed away and farmers relay the road by investing few lakhs again. On an average, farmers invest about 20 to 25 lakhs for year to lay and maintain this road. Potholes filling and watering is done on regular basis and even heavy load trucks also finding it more convenient to use this road. KCP every year contribute about 5 lakhs towards the road and balance is being met through contributions from farmers on land holding basis and continued to run it as an informal cooperative.    

Initially is was being used as exclusive road for farm operations and later due to pressure from public, cars, two wheelers are allowed with token collection of Rs.10/two wheeler and Rs30/car as toll. With the collection of toll the burden on farmers came down to some extent and the quality of road maintenance improved considerably. Everyone is happy and farmers are not that serious about collection of toll and it’s free for poor people, media, Government vehicles etc.  

 Role of Government & external environment:

Till date state government did not spend single rupee on this road and farmers’ collective is maintaining this most convenient setup on their own. In fact these types of farmers’ collectives are very rare and probably possible in progressive thinking areas such as Krishna, Godavari deltas only. They never approached MLA or MP for funds from their constituency funds to spend on these farmers collectives. Government have to duly recognize these farmers’ collectives  and promote these ideas in other areas to ensure such farmers collectives emerge more in numbers and handle their common problems, without depending on external support or resources.

Instead of encouraging such need based innovative ideas, the river conversation department often troubles them by quoting the rules and threaten them with dare consequences for laying the road in river. Few unethical elements under the cover of media, environmental protection etc, once in a while come and trouble the farmers. Such irritants are being handled with offerings in kind and annual considerations.

River conservation department gives approval for road, fitness and certify annually that this temporary road is not affecting the river conservation. Everything is very beautiful and functioning very smoothly to everyone’s satisfaction including people’s representatives, till the “SAND MINING IS CANCELLED”.    

How the trouble started:

For a week or so after suspension of sand mining, the local environment was bit tense. With face to face meetings and interactions, the situation quickly became normal and life is as usual with busy agricultural operations.  One good thing about this part of AP is that politics begin with an election and end with the same election. Once elections are over people do not talk about politics and focus on their agriculture operations, but maintain very strong affiliations’ to the parties they support.  

One fine evening the junior engineer, river conservation department along with his assistant came to the toll area in the river and asked farmers to suspend toll gate operations for couple of days, as their Asst Engineer under the instructions of Superintendent Engineer is coming for inspection.  When he was questioned, why should they leave the road unattended during AE inspection, it was revealed that there was some compliant about the road against the rules of river conservation and toll is being collected without Government order.

Farmers tried to address the situation with their means and once they thought it was going out of control, the issue was escalated to me.  Immediately I got in touch with JE and got to know that EE instructed them to stop toll collection immediately and also not to allow road maintenance as it is illegal to lay roads in river bed. He could not able to tell why EE was behaving like this and which was never like this. I got in touch with AE, who is expected for inspection in next two days. He was very harsh on phone and warned us with police cases if we object to clear the toll and road. 

At this juncture I got doubt about some strong forces behind these operations and trace it to sand syndicate; particularly the local partners are trying to take revenge. Very quickly analyzed the facts and decided to take them on with professional approach. I am pretty sure of victory not because we are on right track, but they touched the wrong button again i.e., farmers’ collectives.

Next Steps:

For a moment I thought of approaching collector immediately. An element of doubt holds me back and I tried to put the issue in logical frame work model and look at the alternatives available. It is concluded that, as for rules in force, we are on wrong side, as it is an offence to lay roads in main river course and collecting toll without Government permission. Both are against the laid down procedures.  Through informal sources, I came to know that there is pressure on Collector to disturb this road network and he decided to follow the rules and trouble the farmers.

I thought for a while to decide on my stand on the issue and decided to take it up and support it till it reach logical conclusion.  I felt, though the issue is against rules, it’s very genuine and helping public to large extent. Quickly moved the cards and contacted Chief Engineer, Irrigation and apprised him of the ground realities. He was kind enough to understand the issue and expressed his solidarity with farmers and informed the river conservation field staff to withdraw from the site. 

Issues with River Conservation Department:

We thought things have settled down, but after a week disturbances started again. CE, who stood with farmers, stopped answering the calls and EE was bent on stopping the toll as well as road maintenance. I requested him , reminded him of his prime responsibilities of ensuring river course, control on sand mining etc and how he is keeping blind folded to river abuse by sand syndicates  and informed that it is not good on his part to work against farmers interests. He was not in a mood to listen and sent Deputy Engineer with a team to site and disturbed the operations. They also put up a check post to ensure the toll collection and road maintenance was put to an end. 

Week to ten days passed the road started developing pot holes and became risky for four wheelers to operate. More than farmers the other commuters started feeling uncomfortable with the developments and even approached Tenali MLA to ensure proper road operations in the river. They told that the toll is very nominal and this collective action of farmers related to road is very good initiative, as it reduced their travel distance by 70 Kms daily, thus saving time and fuel.

Approach through KCP Sugars:

The farmers who supply sugarcane to KCP have lot of confidence on their CEO and their ability in resolving such issues. I told farmers to get in touch with KCP and use their contacts in solving the problem. KCP CEO responded to farmers request and sent them to irrigation minister along with few local political leaders and KCP staff. They were very well received and in the pretext of more information, representations etc, farmers were made to make rounds to Vijayawada without any tangible results. Farmers felt deceived and started questioning the ability or intentions of KCP.

I quickly gathered farmers and told them that I know in the beginning itself that the approach through KCP will fail, not because they are incapable but their efforts will not be sincere due to various other factors. I still advised them to try it out through KCP, as they have tremendous faith on them. I told farmers that double the efforts put for sand mining issue is required to solve road issue, as we are fighting wounded lion. This road problem is genuine, but against rules, hence it needs different approach. Few commuters also joined farmers and expressed their solidarity with me in further course of action. 

It was decided to meet with local political leaders of all parties and apprise them of the situation and request them to talk to respective MLAs to resolve the issue. This did not yield much result as they are the people behind the operation road blockage. 

Resurface of Sand Syndicate:

The sand syndicate is back into action again. They approached us through local leaders and openly expressed that they are instrumental in stopping the road and they will go to any extent, if we do not come for mutual understanding with them. They asked us to cooperate with them in revoking the sand mining. We were told that if the farmers give NOC for sand mining to collector, the balance system will be managed by them to revoke the operations. This proposal was discussed among farmers and few farmers whose lands are away from sand mining site had shown soft corner to them. I prevailed on them and convinced that any sort of split or broken voice will make farmers’ collective weak and the syndicate gain the upper hand. I gave them confidence by stating that the issue will be resolved in farmers favor provided their voice is united. 

Farmers expressed confidence on me and requested me to talk to syndicate on everyone’s behalf. We told syndicate that their proposal is not acceptable and requested them to reconsider their decision to work against the road in the larger interest of public. We expressed our sympathy to them for losing money by getting into wrong advice on sand mining and reassured our support if they get mining orders in lands which have no impact on farmers. We also requested local political leaders not to play into the hands of syndicates and affect local farmers’ interests. 

 Representation to Collector, Krishna:

All most three weeks passed and no improvement in the situation and the river conservation department continue to monitor the river with check post. Road is damaged and commuters are finding it difficult and sort of tense situation is created. It was decided to approach collector with ground realities, present road condition and a proper representation from farmers. Farmers explained everything to collector and submitted the representation. I spoke to him over phone and requested him to help the farmers. I even told him that the toll post and major part of river are in Guntur Dist jurisdiction and action is happening there and mentioned to him that how Krishna dist leaders are prevailing on this.

 I think it acted on Collector positively and the river conservation dept was asked to withdraw their staff from site and we were directed to use the road, maintain it with our own funds and clearly told not to collect toll. We thought the problem is resolved and started maintaining the road and toll was made low profile activity and more of voluntary contribution towards road maintenance. We mobilized few lakhs voluntary contribution and strengthened the road.

Action shifted to Guntur Dist:

After 10 days of smooth functioning, the action suddenly shifted to Guntur Dist and the farmers were instructed to stop maintaining the road. I got in touch with Guntur Collector and we were told the pressure is there from few Krishna dist leaders and he has to follow rules and requested farmers to cooperate with him. During this period I had to travel to Chicago with family for a month to spend time with our children living there. Physically I was there but monitored the issue on daily basis and gave confidence to farmers that my absence will not stop the process.

Guntur collector quickly got into action and through RDO, Tenali, arranged for MRO inspection and a police check post at site. I got in touch with RDO and he was bit rude and unwilling to cooperate. MRO stated the correct facts and submitted report to collector highlighting the need for this road and its importance in agriculture trade between two districts and he was kind enough to take my inputs in preparing the report. Though he was supporting farmers, still could not lift the check post due to pressure from his bosses. 

I advised farmers and few other commuters to meet with local MLA Sri Alapati Rajendraprasad and apprise him of the situation. I was in touch with him on regular basis from USA and convinced him how important it is for him to resolve the issue, both in terms of addressing farmers’ needs and to gain public confidence. He was kind enough to understand the unbiased intentions behind my fight for genuine cause of farmers and assured me of the positive action. 

MLA called farmers to his residence,  spoke with collector in presence of them, even questioned how can collector act against farmers interest, why local MLA was not informed or taken into confidence and requested him to withdraw Govt staff immediately from the site and allow farmers to continue their operations . MLA gave assurance to farmers that no one will interfere here after and they can use the road peacefully. It is nice of him that he acknowledged my efforts and informed farmers that they are fortunate to have support of BGR, who is continuously updating on the issue from USA and sensitized him towards positive action.  

Trouble surfaced Again:

After a week of smooth operation, again river conservation EE got into action and threatened farmers with police cases if they go against rules by forming road in Krishna River. As it was gathered, the syndicate escalated the issue to secretariat and used higher level of influence. I quickly got in touch with MLA, apprised him with developments and requested him to put a stop to it by dealing with it in amicable manner, but with determined approach. Later I was told by MLA, that he has to really put his weight to prevail and convince the system of its importance and negative implications if it is not resolved in favor of local farmers.  After this developments MLA called farmer leaders and in front of them told EE not to interfere and in case he or his staff disturb farmers they have to face consequences. 

Soon after my return from USA, met MLA and thanked him for his support to farmers. He was kind enough to accept my request of meeting farmers over lunch in our farm house and listen to their issues. He inspected the complete road formation, its maintenance, operations and informed farmers that if the same is to be done by government it will cost over 2 crores to begin with, followed by maintenance contract etc and felt that any government has to encourage such farmers’ collectives, which gives Government maximum positive mileage with bare minimum   efforts. In our Hon’ble CM Sri Chandra Babu Naidu approach, these are low hanging fruits, need to be harvested quickly and realize the maximum benefits.    

After this visit of MLA and his interactions with farmers there are no issues and everyone turned very friendly to farmers and the road is strengthened further and it is a happy ending. In fact, it is yet another new beginning in farmers’ road to successful farming operations.  

Finishing Touches: 

Three months passed with smooth operations, suddenly local Sub inspector of police called farmers to discuss about road in river and toll collection.  It was Sankranti festival time and I happened to be in village. Met SI in field, explained everything to him in detail and he was totally convinced and sent positive report to Dist SP. Later came to know that someone under the cover of media made a complaint to SP, which was forwarded to SI. Unfortunately farmers are soft target to everyone and being exploited in every walk of life. 


B Guruva Reddy -9866889246


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