AP bureaucracy is known for its vision, innovation, ability to leverage and implement development programs and found special place in the hearts of Delhi darbar and set an example for other states. This goodwill is built over the years of  commitment, hard work and it is possible due to excellent synergy between bureaucracy and political administration.

It is not out of place, to mention how Late Vengal Rao, Chief Minister of AP during 1974 to 78, known for his team building and leadership skills, acknowledged the contributions of IAS officer, Late Krishnaswamy Rao Sahib, CMO Secretary for his successful tenure as Chief Minister. Later Rao Sahib was highly successful as a cabinet secretary of Mrs Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minister of India.

Sri Chandrababu Naidu, the visionary CM of AP is well known for tapping the best potential out of bureaucracy and use the same for public good. In fact opposition envies CBN for these special qualities and often CBNs own team feels jealous of bureaucrats and their proximity to CM. 

Any policy direction and implementation plan emerge out of brainstorming among political and administrative systems and once it’s rolled out, it becomes  the joint responsibility. Bureaucracy is highly safeguarded setup protected by Indian constitution and they advise , remind political systems of their constitutional responsibilities and even can go on record in case they differ with the political leadership.

Individuals get into bureaucracy through their natural intelligence coupled with hard work for few years and by reading few books and their careers last over 30 to 40 years. Whereas politicians get elected and become leaders by reading millions of people’s minds, understand socioeconomic requirements of spectrum of people and even after doing all these, their career is maximum of five years unless he or she gets popular vote again. Leaders are there to fulfil the aspirations of people voted them to power and good bureaucrat is one who strike balance between the people’s aspirations and policy, thereby find workable solutions to the satisfaction of public and ensure the decisions taken will enhance the positive image of leader and the Government.

AP political leadership is always bureaucracy friendly and many talented bureaucrats are being given opportunities in senior positions even after retirement, they too responded positively and in the process state is getting benefited.

The recent developments related to former Chief secretary Sri IYR krishna Rao,  he going against the leader and Government in social media and questioning Govt policies on capital city location, making contradictory statements etc are not in good taste and certainly not in the larger interest of the state. Bureaucrats with rich experience are welcome to write books, participate in seminars , conferences and share wisdom, discuss on constitution amendments require to facilitate inclusive development rather than criticizing the government policies and decisions in which they themselves were parties. Think twice before calling press conferences and criticize about the past rather than sharing future vision.

Leader is one who accommodates and take decisions in the larger interest of the system. In the process, he may have to sacrifice his own people and the decision taken also may not be the best alternative. We have to understand the intentions of leadership behind the decision, strengthen his hands rather than feeling deprived and turn out to be irritant.

State is under severe pressure from all corners. It’s time for us to  set aside our differences and support the leader at this critical juncture and contribute for “NAVYANDHRA PRADESH”

B Guruva Reddy 9866889246


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