Ongole Cattle Breed- Pride of India- Wealth of Brazil

Ongole Cattle Breed- Pride of India- Wealth of Brazil 


"ONGOLE" breed cattle also known as " NELORE" in Brazil & few other countries, is native to Andhra Pradesh, more specific to parts of Prakasam, Nellore, Guntur and Kurnool districts.  Original name is only Ongole, when the breed reached Brazil in 1868, the ongole thaluk was part of Nellore district under Madras presidency and Brazilians named the breed as "NELORE". In the breeding tract, it's a practice to leave the best male calf to God and name it as BRAHMAN and use for natural breeding.  Subsequently Nelore breed was exported to USA & from there to Australia and few countries and became popular there with the name " BRAHMAN" . You may be surprised to know that this breed originated from AP, India is ruling the beef economy of the world with over 65% market share. It is the first Indian breed to gain worldwide recognition.

Breeding tract:

As documented, the history of Ongole breed is very old and it was Aryans who brought this breed to India and moved from north to south and found the lands close to Bay of Bengal with hot humid climate more suitable to rear this cattle breed.

The best ongole breed is found between Gundlakamma & Alluru streams in Ongole-Kandukur areas,  Musi river tracts and also in Nandyal, Vinukonda & Narasaraopet areas.  The bull exported to Brazil from Karavadi village in Prakasam dist became so popular and the semen dose sold price is still a  world record.

Features of Ongole breed:

Ongole is a majestic and tall breed, walk slowly with grace, keeping the head straight. They are large in size with long bodies, short neck and long & muscular limbs. Other distinct features include broad forehead, elliptical shape eyes with black eye lashes and black skin rings around eyes, slightly drooping, alert  and long ears, short & stumpy horns growing backward, well developed & erect hump, mostly white in colour with males having grey patches.  

They are docile and mostly own by big farmers and rearing them is considered as status symbol. Bulls are very powerful and usually used for ploughing and carting other than bull shows. Cows are fair milk yielders. These animals are resistant to various insect born diseases including mad cow and foot & mouth diseases, making them popular worldwide. This breed is known for its toughness & rapid growth rate. Ongole is heavy breed and the well matured bull weigh about 500 Kgs, with 1.5 mts height & 1.6 mts length and girth over 2 mts.  

Breed selection:

In India the best of the Ongole breed is selected based on number of hair rings, shape of hump, ears, eyes etc, where are the Brazilians follow different logic.

I happened to travel with a Brazilian in breeding tract for about 10 days in the year 2003 and have firsthand knowledge of the breed selection. The best animal as per Brazilian standards is one having 2/3rd of total height ( top of hump to bottom of the trunk ) & 1/3rd the legs portion and length of the animal slightly higher than the height.  The logic behind it is that such shape animal will have huge trunk and best ability to convert feed into meat with better efficiency.

Ongole/Nelore Journey to Brazil:

The British rulers identified the potential of ongole breed and in 1858 Nellore district collector promoted Ongole cattle shows & competitions to encourage the breeders. These really acted as catalyst and farmers had shown lot of interest in breed improvement  through selection of the best breeding bulls through stringent selection process (Brahman bulls) and  better management practices. To sustain the process , British introduced a system of leave common grazing lands in each village. The laurels of prize winning cattle, brought great pride to their breeders as well as the respective villagers, boosted the quality of ongole breed and of the sires and dams used in these villages. It clearly shows the business acumen of British and how they exploited our natural resources.

The first consignment of two ongole cattle reached Salvador (Bahia), coastal city of Brazil in 1868  through a  ship on its way to England. After  hearing about the breed potential, a cattle breeder from Rio De Janerio  imported few more Ongole cattle from Germany (It is confirming the  British trade interest in  Ongole breed). The breed gradually expanded and found important place in Brazil economy, initially in Rio De Janerio & Bahia and later extended all over.

From India,20 animals in 1960 & another consignment of  84 live animals in 1962 (last official sale as on date) were imported to Brazil. These animals contributed for establishment of important and valuable breeding lines Karavadi, Godavari, Tajmahal etc (Names given to bulls by Brazilians). The Indian breeds Ongole, Gir, Tarparkar, Deoni played vital role in expanding strong cattle wealth of Brazil from 56 million in 1965 to over 220 million in 2015 , out of which over 165 million are Nelore pure or Nelore hybrids.

The creation of Nelore herd book in 1875 and definition of breed standards in 1938 by Brazilian Government with proper documentation shows the importance of this breed in brazil economy.

Nelore journey from Brazil to Globe:

 Over the years, Brazil  established and consolidated its position as major cattle breeder with main focus on Nelore breed and became leading exporter of Nelore cattle & beef to many countries. The leading importers of Nelore breed cattle include USA, Australia, Argentina, Mexico, Central America and various other countries.  In all these countries, Nelore/Brahman had shown remarkable performance through purebred selection within the breed or through crosses mostly through European breeds.  

Brazil continue to have a hold on these markets and making good business through export of semen, embryos.  The semen, embryos of Indian bloodline commands premium over Brazilian Nelore breed bloodlines, opened up opportunities in smuggling of Ongole semen & embryos as the official exports are banned.

" While Brazil proved how few hundred cattle  can be multiplied into few million quality Nelore Pure & Hybrids, India the country of origin,  lost direction and pure breed is fast depleting with present strength of just half a million pure Ongole breed "

Evolution of ongole breed in India:

The bull sculptures (Nandi) in historic Lord Siva temples with short horns & erect hump is exact replica of Ongole bulls, clearly established that the breed is historic. Another theory is that this breed is phylogenetically related to Tarparkar breed of Punjab & Sind areas , where the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was there between 8000 to 2000 years BC. Going with the theory of Dravidians with IVC, proves that Ongole breed is very ancient breed.    

Journey of Ongole Breed in AP, India

When the breeding tract was completely rain fed, farmers along with food crops like Sorghum, legumes, millets, took up Ongole breed rearing as an important economic activity and used to generate income through sale of male calves for draught purpose and ghee.

Then came rain fed commercial crops Chillies & tobacco, these had started showing  larger impact   on cattle rearing. Slowly the large pastures/grazing lands started planting with these two commercial crops, resulting in huge pressure on ongole herds. unfortunately these two crops residues are  not suitable for feeding. The pressure on land coupled with demand for milk in urban areas, the best animals started moving to city dairies, losing the opportunity of multiplication in breeding tract. 

During the  period 1952-58, GOAP understood the need for breed improvement, best quality breeding bulls and Artificial Insemination (AI) with pure Ongole breed semen were introduced. 1963-64 is the period India got aid program from European countries resulting in Purebred Ongoles were inseminated with HF semen and F1s are proved to be good milk yielders. Unfortunately the pure ongole herds selected over 50 year period for better milk yield, reduced inter calving period & early maturity were also became victims of craze for foreign bloodlines. This indiscriminate AI program coupled with land ceiling act & distribution of common grazing lands to weaker sections, resulted in fast depletion of ongole breed from the breeding tract. This was the period Brazil was strengthening the breed and many best quality ongole sires from breeding areas were shipped out and also the best quality ongole semen was smuggled to Brazil , instead of using in India. Major damage was done to the breed & India lost the potential good milk yielders.

Almost after 15 to 20 years period, Government realized the damage done and brought changes in breeding policy thereby pure ongole can be inseminated with pure ongole semen only. Only ongole type animals shall be inseminated with HF semen.  During this period Ongole cattle breeders associations,  Ongole Germplasem scheme,  exclusive ongole breed farms, NGO interventions became focus areas. As of now they met with little success due to lack of scientific approach to the problems,  lack of availability of good quality semen/Embryos and red tapism.   

This leaves us with the only option of depending on Brazil to get back the germplasem we lost to revive back our breed. Similarly Brazil also need to import fresh bloodlines to address their inbreeding issues & genetic improvements.  These issues will be addressed in detail subsequently.

Present scenario of Ongole Breed in India

Large herds of Ongole breed in breeding  tracts/other places is almost non existing and not being encouraged by the existing system. With domination of commercial crops in the original breeding tract, the breed shifted  to new areas in dry tracts of Kurnool. Mahaboobnagar, upper Krishna, Nalgonda Dists. Many individual farmers in both Telugu states having passion for the breed still maintain the cows & bulls  animals as they feel it as good omen, other than status symbol in villages. Mainly big farmers maintain this breed as it is not commercially viable for others in present state of affairs.        

Field Realities - Concerns:

Field visits, interactions with experts and animal lovers and action research, gave insight into the activities related to breed improvement and actual situation in the field.

Animal Husbandry (AH) Dept , GOAP under the umbrella organization AP Livestock Development Agency (APLDA) exclusively promoted for breed improvement program is running two pure ongole breed farms at Chintaladevi (Nellore) &  Chadalavada (Prakasam). Similarly AP Agricultural University is having Ongole breed farm at Lam, Guntur. The core objective of these farms is to identify better milk yielding cows & best quality bulls through field visits, procure and rear them in the farm in controlled conditions, supply good bulls to semen collection centres , inseminate the better milk yielders with pure ongole semen of good quality bulls etc. Thus contributing to overall breed improvement, thereby farmers will generate interest in the breed. 

What is happening in the field is totally different and not in the interest of the breed development. It is noticed that there is no  individual monitoring of the animals. The farms are not maintained properly and are in very shabby condition. Looks like the manpower monitoring is not there and the commitment towards the cause is totally lacking. As it was gathered milking of the animals is not done properly and milking is not regular, hence no scientific progeny testing.  Mass grazing is under practise and it is affecting the quality breeding. It is reliably leant that the best of the animals are identified and being moved out if the farms through corrupt practises. So far no significant contribution from these farms is recorded or being felt in the breeding area.

The Central Herd Registration Scheme ( CHRS) at Ongole is functioning with an objective to identify, locate, produce and preserve ongole breed germplasem and milk recording as first step for improvement of milk production. The records are showing  that the targets are achieved, but the reality is very pathetic. It was informed that they seldom visit the field and most of the records are filled with secondary data. So far this program impact is not felt as it did not produce/identify significant quality animals.

JK Trust Gram Vikas Yojana-JKTGVY (Raymond  Group) during 2002-03 procured about 100 Ongole cows and bulls with the technical support of Brazil entrepreneurs , shifted them to Chhattisgarh. They lobbied with GOI to get permission to export/import semen and embryos, but met with no success. Thinking that JKTGVY is going to preserve the breed, many farmers particularly in Vijayawada area, Gosalas offered cows free of cost.  In the interest of breed JKTGVY has to give clarity to public on the status of ongole cattle shifted from AP. Ankush another NGO having interest in breed conservation and development lobbied with Brazil & Indian Governments and got permission in 2014 to import quality semen & Brazil for breed improvement, but it did not happened till date.


Nelore breed in Brazil

The present population of over 160 million Nelore cattle in Brazil, with very strong established market linkages with almost all beef eating countries across the globe, this breed is darling of Brazilians and playing vital role in GDP contribution.

 With the germplasm base of about 200 Nelore cattle imported from origin of breed AP, India , Brazil did a commendable work by investing in advanced technologies in animal biotechnology , DNA Mapping, selective breeding, embryo transfer, sexing of semen, embryos, high security labs etc. With the techno commercial support from federal government, the entrepreneurs developed confidence and scaled up the commercial production and reached such a position which no country can reach in near future.  The breeding in Brazil involve very stringent selection process and every registered Nelore sire is identified through traits such as weight at different stages, scrotal circumference and progeny testing by using mathematical models through supercomputers.   

 Nelore breed stepping stones in Brazil:

The long journey started with two Nelore cattle in 1868 never looked back and going very strong day by day.  Brazilians tested Nelore & few other breeds and picked it due to its survival traits in hard conditions. As the selection is directed for beef production, Nelore breed proved as impressive biotype and once the ethnic purity is consolidated , moved to next stage of body size, muscular development and skeletal soundness.   

It was real challenge in those days to multiply the genetics to larger population. Since 1960 Artificial insemination (AI) is being used in large scale and even today AI is the largest breed improvement program. It was given to understand that the famous bull KARAVADI semen was so popular and expensive and it produced many off springs. Embryo transfer, In Vitro Fertilization, sexing of embryos, sexing of semen are being practiced at present for breed improvement.  
Field realities:

Brazil is badly in need of Ongole bloodline from breeding tract to address the inbreeding and other major quality issues of Nelore breed. As the cattle exports are banned from India from 1962, the only route left is smuggling.  
Often Brazilians travel into breeding tract along with local agents, identify the suitable cattle, sometimes they get photos from field, shortlist the animals and then source them. These selected animals mostly reach Jamnagar and few other parts in Gujarat. From there few live animals cross border into Pakistan soils en root Brazil. Other route is frozen semen & embryos reaching Brazil through air lifting. This is in practice for generations and Government could do little to break this nexus and save our valuable germ plasma. Unfortunately we never looked at commercial exploitation of the opportunity to get a decent share of wealth creation through our native breed through official exports and imports.

 Nelore calves birth weight is  over 28 Kgs and the cows are to be very strong to bear the pregnancy. In Brazil the best selected Nelore cows are used for breeding, they are inseminated with best progeny semen of pure Nelore sire. The embryos are flushed ( average 10 embryos/each cow) are transplanted into foster mothers , usually Holstein Frisians (HF), as they are hefty and good milk yielders.  The logic behind selection of HF as foster mother is that once Nelore calves are born, they will have the opportunity to suckle more milk from foster mother. The initial availability of ample milk from udder, will develop strong bone structure, scrotum, thereby it will develop the features best suitable to convert feed into meat and makes commercial sense for the breeders.           

To be concluded......

B G Reddy - 9866889246  



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