The hungama created a year back about ban on cattle sales, cattle movement and atrocities and killing of minorities and dalits indulge in cattle movement is still fresh in memory.

Now another jumla like cow centric agriculture is solution for doubling farmers income by 2022 is in offing and it is likely to be announced as national program on August 15th.

Natural farming may be one method, but how can GOI promote it in large scale without scientific validation? My request to Agri scientists is not to fall flat to bureaucracy and political nexus and do injustice to Indian agriculture. Please resist the move and counter it with data base. Where NF is good please do encourage it. But do not accept cow as only one medicine for all evils. Justify the actions with documentstion and scientific validation.

For example the good yield means the crop absorbed good amount of organic carbons from soils and they need to be compensated. Whether Jeevamruth will do good for soil carbons and compensate the loss is to be scientifically validated. In fact Palekar went a step ahead and advising farmers not to use any organic stuff like neem extractions etc. if few kg of dung can do miracles as projected,  it’s real miracle and deserve noble prize.

Another example is weeds. In turmeric crop if labour are engaged the weeding cost will be around Rs 12000/acre. With herbicides and labour combination farmers developed an economical model costing around Rs 5000/- per acre. As I know there is no weed control strategy in NF. They say let weeds also grow along with crop. No farmer will accept this and complete engagement of labour is not practical. If any mechanisation is available the agri officers have to demonstrate in fields, giving lectures in TV channels will not work.

We can discuss many issues like this. Instead of jumping into well, let us analyse the facts and take well informed decisions.



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