A page from citizen’s diary - Paddy procurement

 A page from citizen’s diary - Paddy procurement 

While travelling to our village Kollipara I found paddy being harvested or spread on roads for drying. Came to know that farmers are getting Rs 1400/qtl from open market as against MSP of Rs 1940/- . It’s huge loss to farmers. 

AP Govt.made arrangements for paddy procurement through civil supplies/ RBKs and the centres are yet to start operations in this area. Local administration or RBK incharges who are expected to lead the procurement are not having any idea about the same. They informed that they are very very busy with cross loss enumeration due to recent rains. Contacted Commissiner civil supplies, through him MD civil supplies corporation and quickly apprised the situation to them. I was told that dist administration got reports from field stating paddy procurement in guntur dist will start from end December. 

I differed with them and with supportive pictures from field, convinced them for the need of immediate action. Also told them that any delay will lead to a situation of farmers selling paddy to middlemen. Ultimately the same will reach Govt through middle men and whole purpose will be defeated. 

JC , Guntur contacted me and confirmed that the available variety is preferred one and assured quick action. Same day they allotted centre to local FPO and technical officer Civil supplies called me and expressed their willingness to procure my crop. I told her that I do not grow paddy here and the whole effort is to help farmers , not with any intention. FPO got into action and initiated the process. As the procurement platform is linked to RBK , their cooperation is very important . The local variety BPT5204 though preferred variety, it is not included in RBK system and it’s being rejected in RBK tabs. Again I took it up and JC informed that it will be resolved today. 

Unlike many states, AP Cheif minister Jaganmohan Reddy Garu is highly committed to the cause of farmers and established systems such as village secretriat, Rythu Barosha Kendrams, village volunteers to support conventional departments to ensure programs reach to farmers with more efficiency. In this case the bureaucracy responded quickly and got into action immediately. The field level also should respond to the intentions of HCM, support district administration and win the hearts of people. 

I hope my efforts will be of some help to the farmers. Still long way to go.

I am sure we senior citizens can do a lot with our experience and wisdom and motivate younger generations to take it forward 

B Guruva Reddy -9866889246


Bonthu Broadcasting Company 


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