Venkaiah Naidu Garu despite your constitutional position as VP, still you can prevail

We request you to use your position and  oratory skills in appealing to GOI to accord special status to AP as promised, rather than NDA continuing the blame game on UPA. AP people  already punished them in battle field.

It is agreed that UPA did not speak about special status in reorganization bill, but then PM gave assurance in parliament and its as good as a bill. In fact none other than you and then PM designate Sri Narendra Modi went over bound and projected yourselves as real champions of AP and announced 15 year special status during series of election meetings. NDA came into power and AP people gave standing ovation and felicitated you and exhibited their love for you and trusted you as father of new AP and champion of special status.

Couple of years passed, no progress on special status. NDA came out with new term called spl package. You prevailed and our CM sincerely followed the Mitra Dharma and convinced people about special package. Once again AP felicitated you and had lot of hopes on your influence in NDA.

If NDA is committed to the promise, what is the problem in bringing amendments to the UPA drafted bill? Is this bill above constitution or what? How can NDA try convincing public that NITI aayog or 14th finance commission is the road block?

Sir be straight and clear with public, use your lobbying skills with NDA and bail out AP from present crisis. We are still ready and in a mood to facilitate you again.

Being alliance party of NDA, TDP absorbed  the heat for long and in fact shouldered it for four years for no mistake of theirs. With lot of pain ,TDP has to withdraw its ministers from Union Govt and still continuing in NDA with a ray of hope.

Sir your experience, expertise is required at this critical juncture. AP till have hopes on its son of the soil “ Venkaiah Naidu Garu”.

Please be positive and decisive.

B Guruva Reddy-9866889246 


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