Present status

AP stands first in the nation in banana cultivation with 2.6 lakh acres under cultivation with 64 lakh MT production. Rayalseema with Pulivendala as hub emerged as major cultivator of Robusta variety (green banana). The other varieties grown in the state are Chekkarakeli, Karpuram, and Amruthapani. Certain pockets in Krishna-Godavari delta, Nandyal area of Kurnool and Salur area of Vijayanagaram are known for growing these varieties.   

About 25000 MT of green banana from Rayalseema region is getting exported to Middle East and still have great export potential. Progressive farmers from Rayalseema with moral support from late YSR could break the dominance of Nanded variety in Delhi market and penetrated to north markets through Delhi. The advantage of Rayalseema green banana to Nanded variety is its keeping quality, as it is grown in red soils with scanty rain fall.

Existing markets:    

AP state has about 21 fruit specific regulated markets, except in very few areas like Ravulapalem, Banana markets are predominantly private markets. Export from Kadapa to Delhi is in the hands of handful of politically influential people who control the trade. Middle East export is being facilitated through horticulture dept and the interface between marketing and horti is the missing link, hence significant growth is not happening.

Predominantly farmers sell standing crop @ per bunch basis to traders, who in turn collect marketable lots and export to upcountry markets. These traders often pay less to farmers blaming the terminal market dynamics, farmers have no option than accepting the middleman plea.

Local banana markets at places like Kollipara, Mahanadi, Salur etc., play major role in aggregation and export to terminal markets. In these private markets farmers end up paying commission as high as 10%, other than transportation charges. These markets are very volatile. For example Chekkarakeli bunch rate fluctuated between Rs.130 -300 range, which is not healthy trend.

Role of State:        

At present agri. marketing department is acting more like regulatory body, that too more on paper than in action in case of Fruits& vegetable trade. Much talked about e-NAM, one nation- one price is not really seen in action.

There is need for marketing department to take the role of facilitator from existing regulator role and proactively bring in various players for developing effective supply chain and manage it by using e-NAM platform. This require huge face shift in department approach and staff shall be oriented to perform the new roles.

 Market potential:

AP being close to east India which is deficit in banana production, have huge export potential compare to TN, Karnataka, Maharashtra due to transport and varietal advantage. Karpuram is fast moving and acceptable variety in this market and this supply chain informally is in place.

State shall identify and map banana clusters and estimate the potential. After leveraging local markets, marketable surplus shall be projected and prepare roadmap to reach targeted markets. Similarly potential terminal markets such as Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna, Jamshedpur etc., shall be studied to understand their trade dynamics, existing market linkages, their linked markets.

Identified clusters shall be designated as state banana markets and facilities such as ripening chambers, carton box packing, e-auction facilities, quality certification, post-harvest treatment, logistics, insurance, payment gateway etc., shall be made available. Already experienced players such as NeML, NCDEX, and ITC shall be roped in to ensure smooth transaction with fair trade practices.    
 Value addition:   
  •         Variety of options like bunch sales and transport, Sale on Kg basic, hands treatment and box packing with branding shall be made available.  
  •     Banana being fairly hard crop without much effort organic/naturally grown product shall be made available, targeting star hotels, upcountry supermarkets and supply chains.
  •          Chekkarakeli being AP specific, more so specific to coastal areas with premium pricing, it shall be wax coated to increase shelf life and target premium markets with exclusive pricing.
  •       Establishing e – NAM based markets will break existing trade coteries operating in places like Kadapa and ensure farmers get fair trade realisation.
  •        FPO can be promoted to take up organized farming meeting specific needs of supply chain.
  •        Models such as annual contracting between FPO and trader/organized vender with committed supplies shall be put into action.

B Guruva Reddy -9866889246


Good presentation in support of Banana cultivation. The scope for it's marketing and fetching reasonable price for producer and end marketers.
Good presentation in support of Banana cultivation. The scope for it's marketing and fetching reasonable price for producer and end marketers.
Unknown said…
Analytical article.Banana being a perishable commodity farmer is subjected to all kinds of risks like torrential rains, typhoons, hailstorms, transport bottlenecks,Bundhs, Marketing cartels/Syndicates operate against the interest of farmers.Only solution to Banana cultivation is the farmer has to hangon for continuity of banana cultivation so that if rate is not remunerative in one year other year will compensate.He has to further rely on portfolio concept of Multi cropping so that the risk is dispersed.
Dr.R.Kondal Reddy

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