Administration at People’s Door Step – Village Secretariat

Administration at People’s Door Step – Village Secretariat


YCP party is committed for the sustained development of villages through “GRAM SWARAJ” approach and it believes in strong rural economy with inclusive development of poor and needy. The reflections from pada Yatra such as high handed behavior of unconstitutional bodies – Janma bhoomi committees, ever increasing land disputes due to faulty revenue systems, complete control and misuse of power by TDP legislatures, touched the heart of YSJ and it was felt that giving power to people and making administration accountable to people is the only way to control the menace.  YSJ instantly promised to bring administration to people’s doorstep, making them accountable to Grama Sabha/PRI, efficient delivery of welfare programs, local employment etc. Hence the birth of “VILLAGE SECRETRIAT”. 

Present situation of PR Institutions in AP:

Panchayat is administered by elected sarpanch and ward members, with the support of village secretary (PR Dept.). Village secretaries report to Mandal level Extension officer who is under control of MPDO, but comes from PR&RD Department.

PRIs get funds directly from GOI under 14th finance commission @ Rs.369/head/half yearly (based on 2011 census basis) and other major revenue source is house taxes. Panchayats income can be increased if entertainment tax paid by cable operators @Rs.15/pole to electricity dept. is vested with panchayat. Technically speaking these poles are panchayat property as they are paying for poles, lines, maintenance etc. to electricity department. Other source can be part license fee of liquor shops rolling into PRIs, also minerals income part share to PRIs. At present GP funds are allocated as shown here: 30% salaries, 15% Drinking water, 15% Sanitation, 15% lighting, 10% roads, 10% other departments and 5% misc. expenses. 

Though preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) by involving all stake holders is mandatory, it is totally mutualized and PRIs are totally kept in dark. At present panchayats role is more of ornamental value with bare minimum role in planning and implementation. 

Grama Sabha:

Grama Sabha is supreme body for decision making related to the issues of the particular village. As per APPR act 1994, it is mandatory to conduct 4 grama sabhas on stipulated dates and discuss the issues and to decide on execution plan. As per GOMs.No.791 dt 07.11.2013, 29 items covered in schedule 11 have to discussed in GSs and all related field departments functionaries have to present in GS and accountable to them. Each department have to make progress report, plan etc., and submit the same to village secretary, a week in advance. Mandal level officers have to ensure that all reports reach village secretary well in advance.  Village level officers have to compulsorily present in GS and present the report. They have to provide information sought in GS.  

At present the respective departments as for the budget allocated at state level is preparing their action plans at state level followed by other levels. The present top down approach can be reversed by starting the planning from village level. With involvement of local elected bodies (PRIs), NGOs, opinion makers the respective line departments can make the village micro plan with works, estimated budget, present the same in GS and get it approved. These will get consolidated at mandal level after adding mandal level requirements and will be submitted to ZP board. At ZP level after scrutiny the same will be forward to the line departments at state level. At state level after convergence with state budget, central schemes, spl grants etc. the district plans will be approved with proper justification for disallowing certain components.

Though technically out of 29, 10 functions are already transferred to Panchayats in AP, when it comes to implementation, except in sanitation, rural water supply, aganwadi centres, street lighting the role of Panchayats is limited and PRIs are called only as guests for the meetings.


As promised by YSJ, during Padayatra and election campaign, the Government is committed to establish village secretariat and bring all line functions sit under one roof  under the control of panchayat President/ secretary to ensure proper accountability and effective delivery of services.

Village secretariat system

There are 13065 gram panchayats in our state. For effective functional administration of panchayats, it is felt that all panchayats with population of 2000 and above will have village secretariats. In case of small panchayats, they will be made as administrative units with population of 2000 each and village secretariat will be located in larger panchayat within the cluster. In total, AP will have about 10000 village secretariats, covering 653 mandals.

It is decided to transfer all 29 functions covered in 11th schedule of constitution to PR institutions with a policy of funds, functions, functionaries are made accountable to PRIs. All functionaries related and relevant to the village work from “Village secretariat “and functionally accountable to Panchayat. The fallowing areas are identified as village functionaries for effective service delivery.

1. Village revenue assistant
2.Multipurpose extension officer
Animal Husbandry
4.School Head Master
Primary & secondary education
5.ANM/ASHA Worker
Medical & Health
6.Electric lineman/ Power assistant
7. Multipurpose dev. officers
8.Rural engineer
9.Welfare Assistant
Social welfare/PR
10.Sanitation assistant
11.Village secretary
12.Mahila Police Assistant
Home Dept.
13.Digital Assistant
14. Elected President & members
Public representatives

Other than these line functionaries, for every 50 families 1 volunteer from village will be recruited with Rs.5000/Month honorarium basis for effective and door delivery of pensions, ration, etc., . They will also act as bridge between people and line departments and attempt for timely actions. 

A unique design “Village Secretariat” with functional and operational convenience will be followed across the state with uniform color code and brand. The existing PR buildings shall be strengthened and new buildings will be planned wherever it is necessary. NREGS funds shall be used for creating this rural infrastructure impacting the lives of crores of people across the state. Furniture and overheads can be planned from central schemes one time grant / specific programs like SSA.  Salaries can be drawn from respective line departments, routing through PRIs with proper accountability.

The major departments functioning is as presented under:

1.      Revenue department:

Tahsildhar heads this department at mandal level with total staff of around 20. Each village is having one or two VRIs/VROs. Most essential department for farmers in terms of land titles, welfare programs access, but having least connection with PRIs, hence needs immediate attention.
PDS, Pensions
Selection of eligible members with PRI under guidance of VRO/MRO
Receiving stocks, allocation, distribution. 
Door delivery through volunteers
Pattedars, jamabhandi, land titles, survey , crop loss during calamities, status of revenue complaints,
PRIs will play facilitator role, but VROs answerable to them in resolving the issues
VRO to coordinate with MO and problem solving with time bound approach.
Effective monitoring system with punishment for delays / negligence.
Land distribution, development  and eligible members
PRIs to decide eligible members, land development works
VRO to get budgets sanctioned from dept., and to ensure execution
Bringing lands to productive use,  new applicants redressal mechanism
House pattas distributed and eligible new members
PRIs shall decide on new beneficiaries 
Putting to use, follow-up , getting sanctions
Forming user groups, community participation, colony approach
Bank loans to farmers, e crop registers in coordination with Agri dept 
PRI shall play facilitator role.
VROs shall ensure eligible share croppers get bank loans, proper recording of e crop registers
100% coverage of share croppers with bank loans. Strong village level base for taking up welfare
Social forestry – VRO at each village level is responsible
1. Govt lands availability & utilization
2. Tree plantations
4.Village nurseries
5. Forest rights & land distribution
User groups shall be formed by VRIs to take up these activities
 VRO shall coordinate with MRO for budget release and execution.
Monitoring committees to ensure sustainability

2.      Agriculture:

Mandal has 1 AO (Agri graduate), 2 AEOs (Agri Graduates) and 8 Multipurpose Extension officers (MPEO) with coverage target of 1000 Hcs /MPEO. At present all the staff operate from mandal HQs. As per Village Secretariat (VS) concept, MPEOs shall be attached to VS and AO/AEOs to MPP. At present the complete reporting is to department and PRI is now where in picture. Agriculture being the prime economic activity of villages, if the state make plans without people’s participation may lead to unpleasant situations. For example, when Govt want to take purchase decisions based on e crop register lot of mistakes reflected and finally the work was not useful in decision making. Hence it is proposed to fix responsibilities and make them accountable to PRIs/Line departments at different levels. The detailed matrix is as given under:

Extension activities such as mechanization, demonstration plots, Crop area, production action plan, pest and diseases  control, rodent control, natural farming etc.
MPEOs will be made accountable to PRIs/UGs.
AO/AEO will extend support to MPEOs  
FPOs, Research, demonstration plots, value addition, marketing
Welfare activities such as soil health cards based inputs, tractor, equipment , seed, and other subsidies
Beneficiaries’ identification by   PRIs. Distribution through PRIs & local MLA/MP. 
AO/AEO will coordinate with CAO office. Also keep MPP in loop,
PRI institutions shall be included in decision making and purchase committees. 
Regulatory activities- e crop register, prevention of spurious seeds, fertilizers, licensing, natural calamity based data 
AO will keep PRI in loop.
Responsibility of AO/AEO
E crop shall be strengthened by involving revenue and PRIs.
Fisheries department – Inspector at village level 
1.Fishermen licenses
2. Welfare Programs –targets, achievements
3. Fishermen coops monitoring
4. Tanks auctions  
Identification of beneficiaries, societies, auctions
Execution in coordination with PRI & Dept.  
Value addition, integration with other departments,

3.      Animal Husbandry:

Kollipara mandal has 5 VAS, 1 RLU & 2 Gopalamitras centres with good coverage of mandal with AH services. VAS at mandal level is also MAHO for data compilation and schemes proposal. For two to three mandals, there is one Area veterinary hospital with AD as head. Though it is very essential basic and important function at village level, the coordination or accountability to PRIs is totally not there, except reading reports in Grama Sabha. Here also the decentralized approach is required to make the activities more vibrant. Details are as given under. 

Health care, Medicines, vaccination, diseases out breaks control
VAS/ RLU/GM shall be functionally accountable to PRI/UGs. Targets will be fixed in GS and approved by Dept.
VAS will coordinate with AD/JD/DAH in getting medicines  
UGs, diseases mapping& control, Preventive health care
Breed improvement & breeding policy
Targets fixed by PRIs in GS and vetted by DAH.
VAS will coordinate with AD/JD office. Also keep MPP in loop,
PRI institutions shall be included in decision making. 21 day follow up, pregnancy diagnosis, calf birth certificate
Welfare activities- Cattle population, insurance, fodder development, insurance 
VAS will keep PRI in loop. Beneficiaries’ selection by PRIs.
Responsibility of VAS/AD and distribution by local MLA/PRIs.  
Accurate data base for decision making with bottom up approach.

4.      Primary & Secondary Education:

In this mandal there are 42 primary schools, 6 high schools run by Government and 6 upper primary schools and 4 high schools in private sector. Primary school teachers are 78, and high school teachers’ strength is 84. Primary school enrollment is 1153 with average of 27 children/school with teacher, student ratio of 1:13. Similarly high school’s enrollment is 1711 with average of 285 children per school with teacher student ratio of 1:20. In order to have quality education, students with diversified skill sets and healthy ratios are required. It may be worst situation in backward mandals. There is need to relook at primary schools and club them into viable units and local transport shall be arranged. High schools shall be strengthened by introducing plus 2 and by improving quality of education through teachers training, capacity building with focused approach. 

At present parent committees selected/elected by head master are in place and found to be not effective. Role of PRIs is functionally nonexistent. It is totally contradictory to our erstwhile samithi system   which was highly successful model in education. The proposed matrix is as given under:
Enrollment & dropouts
Teachers shall work with PRIs in enrollment drives
Teachers training & capacity building
Teachers interface with parents, confidence building of parents, and updated infrastructure. 
Children capabilities and capacity assessment

Parent committees with PRI participation shall be involved by teachers.
HM shall coordinate and focus on personality development, skill sets improvement
Personality development classes, sports, games and vocational classes, exposure to Agriculture
Students performance reports
PRI close observation on teachers quality, presence etc.
Teacher parent interactions, follow up 
Focused approach
Incentives to teachers and students 
Mid-day meal

PRI involvement in ensuring quality and promptness.
Budget, accounting etc., by HM.
Localized food with high nutrition

5.      Hospitals, PHCs, Health , Family welfare:

Kollipara mandal HQ has 30 bed Community health center has 24x7 healthcare facilities with Gynecology, Ophthalmology, ENT, and general surgeon, Physician, supported by pharmacist, 8 nurses, and 6 ayyas. For a mandal of about 50000 population its excellent facility provided it is put into right perspective. Despite all the posts are filled, the facilities are seldom used by public, partly due to lack of commitment from doctors, frequent absents, influence of private hospitals in nearby towns. If strong village user group is created with PRI involvement with close monitoring and accountability drastic changes can be brought in.

Other than CHC, another PHC with two doctors and support staff is existing in this mandal. There are 12 sub centres managed by ANMs in different villages and ASHA workers are placed @1 per 1000 population.   

Sub center functioning , village visits, camps conducted, diseases out breaks
Regular functioning with ANM reporting to PRI.
Action plan by ANM with PRI/GS concurrence  
PHC coordination for materials, salaries
Focus on preventive health care
Eligible couples , family planning, pregnancies monitoring, vaccinations
Specific programs with PRI involvement
ANM/ ASHA functions
Nutrition based Mother and child care

PHC functioning 
Accountability to PRI
Doctors coordination with DMH for medicines, infra
OP facility with specialists , interface with CHC for preventive care
CHC functioning 
Accountability with MPP
Doctors coordination with DMH for medicines, infra
Regular OP, Other specialties on sharing basis , Arogya Sree linkages

6.      Rural electrification & Power distribution:

There are 19 staff in this department in this mandal. The office is headed by AE, assisted by Sub engineer who looks after estimates, work allocation, staff attendance, welfare etc. There are 2 line inspectors who takes are of feeders from substations, take line clearances for maintenance and supervise the works of linemen. There are 11 linemen/asst line men allocated to all villages. They attend to regular breakdowns, transformers maintenance, poles and cables maintenance, replacements, and fuse call works etc. This is another most important function impacting farmers’ livelihoods.   

Domestic & Agri connections poles, conductors,  transformers maintenance 
LM shall sit in PR office and accountable to PRI in conducting his field duties. Annual plans for village requirements along with PRI/GS.
Coordinate with AE/Sub engineer for materials, LC Etc.
Strengthening of infrastructure

Preventive maintenance
New connections, sub stations
New connections shall be proposed through GS.
AE to release connections in coordination with EB.
Solar pump sets
Material availability & civil works
LM to place indents after discussing with PRI
AE to prepare estimates, sanctions and allocation
Material planning to reduce lead times
Street lighting
Directly with PRI. Replacement of bulbs, poles maintenance
Dept., to take up new lines etc., after PRI releasing payments.  
Energy conservation, 100% LED
7.      Land development, land reforms, consolidation, improvement:

At village level these works are taken up by NREGS cell in MDO office. There is 1 PO and about 8 multipurpose development officers (MPDOs) deployed for this works. Like any other department here also the role of PR is limited to spectator and needs to make it participatory and accountable.

Identification of new works.
PRI with MPDOs coordination have to identify community works, individual works and submit through GS.
PO to scrutinize, prepare estimates and get them sanctioned.
Farm ponds, water conservation works, sanitation improvement works
Job cards status, pending applications, Toilets under NREGS
PRI shall decide on eligible candidates
MPDO shall coordinate with PO to get new cards
Eligibility criteria shall be strictly adhered with immediate attention to poorest of poor and needy
Labor budget, no of wage days, work execution status 
PRI shall oversee the report presented by line dept, quality of work, productivity shall be ensured with supervision.
MPDO shall be held responsible for the works quality.
NREGS linkage to Agri operations 

8.      Rural engineer (RE):

It is decided to place one rural engineer with diploma holder in civil as qualification to handle rural water supply, rural housing, rural roads, culverts, watersheds, tanks, irrigation works etc. The works below Rs.50,000/- shall be directly approved by PRIs within prescribed guidelines and executed directly. RE will be from PR department and coordinate with line departments for works execution.

8.1.Rural water supply:

One JE, Rural water supply from RD department is placed for two mandals. He prepare estimates and get the RWS schemes executed. Under him RWS works inspectors and pump operators are placed to take up regular works like release of water (timings), lines maintenance etc.

DW availability, quality, sample analysis
PRIs will provide necessary support in identification of locations
JE will be responsible
Digital technologies
OHT/Sumps maintenance particulars
PRI will keep track of water quality and raise demand
WI will look into these issues.
Hygienic practices
New connections , lines laying,
PRI will identify with the help of JE
Sanctions, estimates, execution with line dept. support

Water release and lines maintenance
PRI staff already in place

Infra mapping to bring in need based approach

8.2 Rural housing: (RE)

One junior engineer for two mandals is placed to take up rural housing program. Material component is handled by housing department WI and labor component by NREGS field assistant. 

Houses sanctioned , work in progress
PRI periodic inspections to ensure quality and timely execution. 
Work inspector will look after under supervision of JE
Innovative designs, local materials
House Pattas eligibility & recommendation
PRI to decide on beneficiaries following eligibility criteria.
JE to provide technical support.
Mapping of resources for better planning

8.3. Rural Roads, Culverts, Bridges, Ballakattu, Waterways etc.:(RE)

There are two JEs in each mandal 1 reporting to MDO and the other to DE(PR). At mandal level 2 WIs and for each village 1 field assistant to look after NREGS works. 3% of NREGS funds are earmarked towards administrative cost to meet FA salaries. 

Village internal roads status, maintenance
Ward members to monitor respective area roads in coordination with RE
REs in coordination with JE to execute the works and maintenance
Periodic inspections by DE. PRIs to ensure quality
Identification of new roads, works
PRIs to make proposals in GS
WI/RE to prepare estimates and work execution
Need based approach with priority to remote areas
Works progress and quality control
PRIs to facilitate
JE/DE for execution
Village committees for monitoring

8.4. Minor Irrigation, Watersheds:(RE)

1 AE/AEE is in charge of these works for each mandal. Under them there are field assistants/luskars for release of water, security etc. 

PRI with RE
Identification of new works
Identification of new works based on need with support of RE/FAs
AE to make estimates, sanctions, execution
PRI involvement in quality assurance
Sanctioned works & work progress
Monitoring role for quality and timely completion
Coordination with WUAs/contractors
Third party certification
Job cards status, wage details
PRI to monitor
FAs for implementation
Bottom up approach
Tanks management
Identification by PRIs
Sanctions, executions
Integrated approach –fisheries, fodder cultivation, tourism  etc.
Ayucut water release
Rationale assurance by PRIs
Scientific release mechanism

9.      Welfare assistant Velugu /Poverty reduction program: (WA)

Each mandal is headed by APO under whom cluster coordinators-6 are available. There are 43 animators attached to SHGs (1 animator for 30-40 SHGs) for monitoring regular savings, enterprise and bank linkages.  Recently TDP introduced Sadikaarakamitra concept, in which this mandal has 658 SMs selected by Janmabhomi committees with an idea to target 300 families each through them. These are proposed as volunteers and still no effective.  As such this acts as an independent activity and no linkage with PRIs.  The SHGs already crossed 3 years of functioning shall be made independent and delinked from animators.  Sadikaramitras shall be dispensed with immediate effect. Velugu shall be brought under DRDA

Identification of new groups
PRI/GS shall take lead
Animators to coordinate and develop linkages
Bottom up approach 
Regular savings, bank linkages
PRI to facilitate
Actual execution
Focus on enterprise development
Poverty alleviation – Panchayat Secretary /Animators
SC/ST/BC/ Minority corporation loans , release, performance 
Beneficiary identification
Proposals submission, approval, disbursement
System driven eligibility criteria

10.  Rural sanitation:

Village road cleaning, drainage, waste collection and disposal, street lighting are under direct control of PRIs and Swachh Bharath funds are reaching PRIs to take up these initiatives. This is very important function, which needs PRI attention.  One sanitation assistant /village with necessary infrastructure and staff will be placed in village secretariat.

Roads and drains cleaning
Ward members to monitor
Sanitation assistant to execute
Preventive maintenance  
Collection and disposal of waste
Ward members to monitor
Sanitation assistant to execute
Waste to wealth
Street lighting
Ward members to monitor
Panchayat Secretary to coordinate
Periodic maintenance

11.  Village Secretary:

They play important role in maintaining tax collections, grants receipts, help PRIs to take up regular works, liaison between PRI and line departments.  Other than liaison, coordination, secretary is responsible for following functions as direct supervisory role.   

Food processing, SSI, KVIC – Under supervision of Village Secretary
1. details of licenses given, tax collection and work progress
2. KVIC units sanctioned & working particulars
Directly under PRIs
Coordination with line dept for local employment, PR income
Handling pollution and other issues
Fuel , Non-conventional energy – Panchayat Secretary
1. Deepam program review
2. biogas plants
3. smokeless chullas
4. solar lighting
New beneficiaries, plans preparation
Coordination with line depts. For sanctions and execution
Solar power, solar water
Village Libraries, Cultural activities, Markets & Fairs – Under PRI /Secretary
1. Library subscriptions etc.,
2. Artists pensions
3. Cultural activities on Govt programs
4. Village markets status
1. Rents payment etc.
2. Eligible persons identification & proposals
3.Encuorage local talent
4. Creating village markets
Coordination with line departments
Encouraging local talent
Markets with local specific targeting

12.  Mahila police volunteer :

Though it is not covered under 11th schedule, our government is committed for welfare of women and as promised by YSJ during Padayatra it is decided to place one Mahila police volunteer in each village secretariat to closely monitor the issue of women and child abuse, women harassment, dowry cases etc., and resolve the same with support from local police stations. These MPVs will be attached to nearby police station and functionally reporting to PRIs.  

13.  Digital assistant:

Each village secretariat will have one digital assistant whose job is upload the issues, coordinate with line departments and escalating the issues, submit status reports to Panchayat secretary/PRI to ensure timely and efficient serves delivery to panchayats. Present computer operators available in few PRIs will be trained to handle the new functions and others will be recruited.

14.  Role of PRIs: 

Along with sarpanch, the ward members have to shoulder the responsibility of efficient service delivery to panchayats. In coordination with Mandal/ZP system, they shall make micro plans for villages, got them included in overall planning. Focused committees with ward members, local NGOs, line depts., shall be put in place for timely and appropriate interventions.

Recruitment, service rules- Line departments:

·         Revenue, health, education, electricity, and few other line departments have fairly large number of functionaries, they need to readjusted and newly recruited if necessary.

·         Some posts are regular and some are on consolidated pay /contract terms, the same policies shall be continued or reviewed.  

·         Mahila Police volunteer is new concept in our state and they shall be selected from same village with similar honorarium like village volunteers and same rules shall be made applicable.

·         Police recruitment board, home guards recruitment policies etc shall be taken into consideration.

Village volunteers:

Hon’ble CM during Padayatra understood the problems being faced by poor in service delivery of programs, the atrocities of Janmabhomi committees, highhanded behavior of line departments etc., and decided to go for decentralization and dissolution of powers to PRIs.

To act as link between Line Departments & PRI in resolving peoples issues and to understand peoples problems it is decided to have volunteer with fixed honorarium placed in respective area within their ward for every 50 families.

He or she shall be from same village with minimum 10th qualification, but graduates will be referred if available. The intention is if unemployed graduate is involved in such service, once he get main stream job this experience will help him in delivering better performance.     

Village volunteers job chart:

·         It is decided to have one VV for every 50 households.  The purpose is have timely and transparent delivery of ration, pensions, other government programs to the eligible families.

·         The volunteers shall give awareness on government programs in the designated areas and ensure more and more people participation.

·         VVs shall observe roads condition, sanitation, street lights, and other such issues and escalate the same to PRI.    

·         At present ration/pensions are disbursed using biometrics to avoid siphoning of ration which was as high as 30% as for a study conducted in field.  The same system can be continued by providing mobile biometric scanner which is not expensive (About Rs.1200/Each).

·         As ward is the base unit in villages, the VV jurisdiction shall be ward based and number of VVs will depend on eligible beneficiaries in each ward.

·         In the allotted area to VV, other than delivery of ration and pensions, VV shall collect information on ineligible beneficiaries, eligible families/individuals not covered under the welfare and present the same to PRI.  

·         Revenue title deed issues, any police cases, school enrollment, feedback on teachers, feedback on health care, midday meal, all other services shall be the responsibility of VV   

Recruitment, service rules etc., - Village volunteers:

·         It will be mandatory to recruit only local village youth for this role and reservation policy will be followed.

·         These are not government employees and taken purely on fixed honorarium basis and their service rules are with PRIs.

·         Honorarium will be paid through Panchayats and funds shall be drawn from PDS, pensions, NREGS , other GOI schemes with top up from panchayat funds.

·         50% reservations for women will be followed keeping the overall reservations policy in view.
BG Reddy


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