I met a farmer who sent 5 bags (150 kgs) bringal to Tenali municipal market from Kollipara village. In an auction it was sold for Rs 160/10 kgs.

The farmer spent about Rs 300/- towards transport from village to mandi, Rs. 60/- hamali , Rs 20/- Asheel( market cess). Rs 100 to 150 is farmer expenditure if he goes to market for monitoring the transaction.

Farmer paid Rs. 250/- as commission @10% on the sale consideration of Rs 2500/- .

For a sale of Rs 2500/- expenditure is about Rs 750/- and it’s working out to 30%.

From sale price of Rs 16/kg, farmer spent about Rs 5/kg as marketing expenditure. As all the expenditure is fixed cost except commission in case of less realizations the marketing cost will become as high as 50%.

Even after charging hefty commission of 10% from farmers , the agents try to give advantage to the traders by my managing auctions with eye lid movements etc and exploit the farmers.

I was told they open one bag as sample and rate is based on that bag and apply the same for others too and farmers have very little say in the bargain. It was also informed that the farmer sent 20 bags to market and next day there were only 12 bags available for auction. When enquired about balance quantity, he was given to understand that as there was shortage the previous day, this material was used and he was promised to pay the price realization he get in auction for yesterday quantity also and farmers have no say or choice than just accepting.

Local municipality, APMC, Government monitoring systems are there functioning very much and governments make tall claims about their functioning and commitments to farmers welfare.

Unfortunately the field realities are totally different and no wonder, farmers are left with no choice than committing suicide or becoming security guards etc rather than living with dignity.

My sincere request to policy makers, stake holders, so called farmer organizations, intellectuals, NGOs etc to understand and realize the actual ground realities and work towards cracking the issue in the best interest of the entire supply chain rather than delivering lectures.


BGR - 9866889246


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